Blogs from La Fortuna, Alajuela, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 12


After months of planning, weeks of packing related emails and days of excited anticipation, I made my way to San Jose airport on the 14th of December to meet Hannah and Emma, my friends who were coming out to amuse me over Christmas and New Year. The girls work in my old school and shortly after meeting each other we realized that we all had something strange in common- we all had freakishly small hands! We therefore named ourselves the Small Hand Gang (SHG) and have shared several adventures over our 2 year friendship (accidently signing up for naked massages in Budapest probably being the funniest!). I knew there would be good times ahead in Costa Rica (Baby)- for some reason we can’t say the words ‘Costa Rica’ without adding ‘Baby’ on the end. Hmmmmm… very ... read more
Small Hand Gang vests!
My new vest!
Oooooh! Rude name for a hotel!

So, yesterday we decided to take our big tour - hiking in the rainforest, which turned out to be a gentle walk through a very wet wood. No, I´m kidding, it was pretty surreal to think I was actually standing in a place that we talk about all the time. Not much wildlife to see. We supposedly saw a tarantula´s nest and a spider´s home, but I had my eyes closed - thankfully there was no one in at the time. We also passed btoht the two-toed and three-toed sloths, but without my super-vision I just saw some ball type things hanging from the trees!! I did see a toucan and a white hawk and a teeny tiny frog. The volcano was rather disappointing as it was covered in cloud and also tipping it down as ... read more
Teeny tiny frog
Tabecon hot springs

We left San Jose yesterday after a small amount of sleep, Emma and Sophie resembling small packhorses and me travelling light as I still had no backpack. We went to the bus garage to catch the four and a half hour bus to La Fortuna where a local decided to try his fortunes with Sophie by telling her she was beautiful like a grape! We were lucky to get three seats together at the back as this was the last bus of the day and possibly becasue it was a Saturday it was packed with people having to stand up for much of the journey. The scenery was pretty, and in many places resembles the English countryside with the odd palm tree dotted about to remind us that we were in slightly more exotic climes! As ... read more
My entire worldly belongings
On the coach

The last few days here in La Fortuna have been great. We´ve slowed down a bit and decided to keep it to one adventure a day. Wednesday we hiked up the road a few miles to the La Fortuna waterfall. The waterfall is deep in the rainforest and the hike to the falls wasn´t exactly handicap accessible, but thanks fo the 55 mile breast cancer walk Becca did, she powered through it. The hike was well worth it and the waterfall was amazing. Water was extra blue and extra cold, but made for a great swim. We came back to our Cabina, made some guacamole and tossed back a few Imperials {costa rica beer} and watched for the volcano to emerge from the clouds, it´s been hiding from us the whole time! Thursday was extra hard! ... read more
making some guac
La fortuna waterall

Hello All So after arrival I spent 1 day in San Jose. I wandered around the town with Irina, one of the Ukranian girls on my trip. The place was not at all inspiring, I didn´t even get my camera out! Lunch at a little Carribean resturant was very nice though. We had a group meeting that evening, then all ate in the hostel before an early night. The next day we set off for La Fortuna and not a day too soon. It was such a relief to leave San Jose even if it did mean a 5 hour bus journey in a semi-comfortable bus. I sat next to Juan Carlos, our leader, and got lots of information, and saw lots of photographs on the days to come. It all looks very exciting. La ... read more
La Fortuna

Day 6. Do I look like a lobster? On the way to another adventure under a beautiful sky sans precipitation, we stop at a bridge overlooking a heavily forested area ornamented with iguana--dozens of iguanas--the males huge and orange and challenging each other with bobbing heads. It is really fascinating. The shops feed the iguanas to keep them around to fuel the tourist trade. Back to the bus. Once we reach the Rio Frio River we board a boat and begin our cruise through the Cano Negro wildlife refuge almost to the Nicaraguan border. The landscape is quite different here, looking more like swamp or marshes. We spend a terrific morning looking at cormorants, anhingas, and dozens of other birds, plus Basilisk lizards and caimans. We even stop and watch two baby monkeys playing in the ... read more
Cano Negro Wildlife Refuge
Rio Frio River
Arenal Volcano

Day 5. Big Bounce. We say goodbye to the Laguna Lodge and cruise the Tortuguero River back to our motor coach and our dear driver who has been waiting for us for two days. This time our driver has laid cardboard over the mud so it’s much easier to navigate. We scramble for our seats. Virginia moves us couple-by-couple so we rotate around the bus. Unfortunately our turn is in the back and the bathroom is getting a little ripe. (Breathe though your mouth and don’t think about the molecules swarming over lips and tongue and palate.) On the way to our next lodge, we stop at the Dole plantation to watch a banana assembly line. O.K. No bananas are actually being assembled, but it’s interesting to watch as the bananas are chopped away from the ... read more

We spent most of yesterday, after a swim in the Gulf and a belly full of fruit and gallo pinto, driving back across Costa Rica. At times the view is dismal with poor shantys at the side of the road but at other times it is beautiful in its rich green. We had a tough time finding the way over the last hundred kilometres with the volcano and some of its smoke in sight, but several towns with little signage and a multiplicity of routes and some serious downpours making it difficult. We got to La Fortuna and found a dodgy hotel - stinky rooms, hard beds, dirty towels but then found the best coffee yet and a reasonable mexican meal. This is very much a tourist area and the shops have all the right ethnic ... read more

Those of you who´ve been following the blog, both of you, may be signing in to hear about our promised adventures in Monteverde Cloud Forest. Well things took a turn in a different direction on Tuesday morning. We set out for Monteverde early in the morning, a trip that starts out with a short ferry ride that takes you across the gulf from the Nicoya peninsula into Puntarenas. On this ride we met a lovely couple on their honeymoon and we started talking about our travel plans. Upon hearing about our intentions for Monteverde, their travel guide got on the phone to his tour buddies and determined that the roads there had washed away and would not be accessible anytime soon. It´s actually fortunate that we found out from him for two reasons 1. We saved ... read more
Hot Springs
getting ready
Super Gallina

The night out with Matt went too well. I got thrown out of the club as usual, a local called his mate to find Matt to bring him out (we apparently stood out so he knew to get the bloke with a beard), then off to the casino, home at 6.30. I slept through my 7am alarm and woke up at 1.30 by the noise of the cleaner. Missed my 8.40 bus! Next day, 4 hour, very uncomfortable, bus ride to La Fortuna and I can´t be bothered to find a place to stay so follow some eager men who know a place for 7 dollars. There is no-one there so they take me to another more central one, brilliant, I need a sleep. Decide on the evening tour of the volcano but the 2 jokers ... read more
Here I come!
Enjoying it more now
This one's a bit higher

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