Blogs from Asia - page 13019


Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Ko Chang March 14th 2007

hello dear readers. todays blog finds your hero on the island of koh chang, and desperately battling for victory over the sun. but i will get to that in a minute or two. the battle really commenced a few days ago, when i decided to leave bangkok. figuring that part of the scammers ability to sucker me was the fact that they able to tell at a glance that i was a new arrival, courtesy of my white skinned canadian winter coat. yes, much like the arctic hare does, i too had found myself with a white as snow outer coat, and just as the arctic hare would probably have a hard time surviving in thailand, so was i. so i thought i had better do something about it and get myself a tan. so i ... read more
Koh Chang
Pure class
Porn hut

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Udaipur March 14th 2007

Day 9-12: Udaipur Rajestan. Left Delhi at night and took an overnight train south to Udaipur. This is the second largest city in the state of Rajestan, with only 400000 inhabitants, so the traffic is not as chaotic or intense as other more populated citures .They call Udaipur the Venice of India, this is so because of the number of surviving and restored old buildings, some dating back a few hundred years ago. The old part of the city which is of most interest to visitors is located on both sides of the one of the major lakes.Most of the old buildings have been converted into hotels most of which face both sides of this lake. The entire city was the setting for the James Bond movew Octupussy. The city is also known for its handicrafts, ... read more
The Hindu temple center of old town

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok March 14th 2007

Hello, from kho san road in Bangkok. Last night we successfully located a hotel that is welcoming to tourists, but without the tourist price - $60 US altogether for the 3 of us. After dropping off our luggage about 2:00 am, we took a taxi about 20 km across town and found some food and other westerners. The street vendor food was a bit sketchy; they would cook it for you, but it definitely had not been refrigerated. Decided to take the bht200 taxi ride (about $6.50) across town instead. Made our way back to the hotel; it was so wonderful to have a shower before landing in bed. Slept for a few hours, going downstairs just in time for the lunch buffet at the hotel... They had some fantastic fruit, kind of like a kiwi, ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Selangor » Batu Caves March 14th 2007

9am start for a tour of the city with stops at the national monument then a mosque and then Batu Caves then the pewter factory followed by the post office tower which we went up and saw the sights of KL. We finished this at 2pm and have the rest of the afternoon to ourselves. We have planned to go for a meal and a few drinks tonight then tomorrow we set off north to a island stay for 2 nights.... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ao Nang March 14th 2007

Paul and I visited Bangkok and Krabi in Thailand before proceeding to good old London town to meet up with our beautiful Sarah who we hadn't seen for a year. After a wonderful week staying in Surrey and enjoying time with our little girl again (and meeting Shaun, her not so little but lovely british lad) we then all travelled across the Channel on the EuroStar and spent 5 wonderful days exploring Paris. Shaun then returned to his family in London to spend Christmas and we departed in the opposite direction to Salzburg, Austria where we spent another 5 days and experienced a 'different' kind of Christmas to our usual swelting Aussie one - a white Christmas! After Salzburg we then took a train for a short ride to Munich, Germany where we then changed trains ... read more
Krabi Central Bay Resort Hotel
Sarah and Shaun

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay March 14th 2007

W spent three days on a junk cruising around the dramatic scenery of HaLong Bay - unfortunately we couldn't see much of it for the thick fog that never lifted!... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng March 14th 2007

Took the world's windiest bus journey to Vang Vienne which as typical didn't go as smoothly as it could after one of the busses knocked down a guy on a motorbike so we had to all wait while they took him to hospital! Vang Viene is a strange place where most people sit around watching friends, the simpsons or a movie all day, whih is fun after spending a lot of time away from civilisation! Went tubing the second day which was wicked, basically you start at the top of the river on a traktor tir inner tube and float back down! Stopping off along the way at make shift bars and massive rope swings! After having my 'happy' pancake it i just floated away! its a tough life sometimes! Saw some more caves and ... read more
A Budha in a cave
Little Monk guys

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok March 14th 2007

Hi there everyone. Well Sarah and I have had some interesting adventures so far. It's hard to find the time to do this blog properly, but here it goes. BANGKOK - 14/03/07 to 15/03/07 We arrived in Bangkok around midnight Aus time. The first thing noticable was the smell, although we kind of expected it. The hotel we stayed at was clean and centrally located near Kho Shan Road, the hub of Bangkok. So being the first night, we were very excited and headed out to have a look around and have a few drinks. We ended up having a couple of beers at a Shell Service Station, which at night turns into a cafe/bar. They just put tables and chairs next to the bousers which was a bit of a laugh. Check out the ... read more
Sar in Bangkok

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai March 14th 2007

Thailand- Northern delights! Asia » Thailand » Chiang Mai By Harry and DeeMarch 14th 2007Harry PittA few photos from our second visit to Thailand, starting with another quick stop in Bangkok then up to Chiang Mai then Pai. Hope you are all well. Were now in the south of Sri Lanka, only 2 weeks of our trip left left!! More photos and update of Vietnam and Loas on their way! Dee & Haz xxxx... read more
Grand Palace
All aboard the night train!
Night train

Asia » China » Beijing March 14th 2007

With Singapore slung, we arrived in Beijing, glimpsing a few of Hong Kong’s islands through the mirk during our two hour layover there. Having done none of the planning for this part of the trip and knowing very little about China, I didn’t have much idea of what to expect. What I had read the night before in the Lonely Planet, suggested that the city bared little or no resemblance to the rest of the country and was not unlike many other modern capital cities around Asia. The only other ‘research’ I had done was look at the Olympic 2008 website, which is extremely flash as you would expect for a country a year away from the biggest global event on the planet. It provided the usual reports on a state of the art constructions ... read more
 'Morning Sun' my arse - a name can be so deceiving
 I always sleep better behind blast doors
How to disguise a bomb shelter.....

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