Blogs from Pai, North-West Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 29


Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai May 22nd 2007

whoever thought riding an elephant bareback was glamorous, was sadly, sadly mistaken. it was one of the most painful experiences of my life. no joke. SO BONEY! it's like the back rises to a point! we had to climb up the elephant's trunk and face to get on, we have some awesome pictures! will post those later. (who am i kidding, i probably won't. although when we're at the beach i plan to do more internetting and i'll do it then.) it was really hard to hold on to the elephant too, we just had a rope around him and it kept slipping. kim and i rode on the same elephant. it was fun for about five minutes, and our ride was supposed to be two hours (one in the jungle and one in the river)!! ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai May 21st 2007

today was a nice relaxing lazy day. life has been a bit hectic (but in a good way!) did some shopping and wandered around pai, an adorable little traveller's mecca. lazed about on our deck. there's christmas lights in the streets and everything is so adorable! i know places like this aren't legitimate cultural experiences per se, but in a way they are because traveller's meccas are a nice place to regroup and meet other people. it's like we have our own little planet which happens to be in the north of thailand. love it! signed up for a bareback elephant ride tomorrow! met this israeli guy named lio who's staying in our guesthouse. his hut is WAY nicer, we discovered we have the crappiest one in the place. that's ok though. he showed me how ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai May 17th 2007

So we've been hangin out in this little village in the north called Pai. its sweet. got some bikes and rode around a bit, checked out the surrounding area.its so awesomely beautiful and scenic.should i ever return to Thailand it'l be to Pai.People there are generaly cool, super laid back place, electricity goes off like every day, sometimes many times a day but nobody cares, it just means you get to chill out some more. did not get up to a huge amount, just met loadsa cool kids from everywhere and hung out.neat.there were untold cats there too. at our little bamboo village there was a whole family and they were super cute but not as cute as the family of kittens at the swimming pool up the road.this i feel summarises my time in ... read more
more Pai
a cow.yay.

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai May 15th 2007

Well after partying hard in Chiang Mia we decided to got to the quiet town of Pia 3 hours drive up and down the crazyest roads to a village with one trafic light! (which they got last year!) well its remote and the power goes out everyday but its still full of people and the normal tourist stuff theres just no traffic or big buildings.. weve been staying in some bambo huts by a river ! there so cool and the views awesome but the amount of bugs plus the size is slightly worrying! theres flying praying matasis! we rented scooters on the second day, pat crashed 10 mins later ! took lots of skin and flesh off his arm and leg spinning on the floor!! but hes ok and only goes to the hospital ... read more
BAMbo huts

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai May 12th 2007

All that pretty much sums up Pai. It's a very relaxed little place in the North West of Thailand with barely 4 roads, so you can really chill here. There are plenty of bars and restaurants which kinda makes it touristy but in fact, it's not - if that makes any sense. Our place is just by the river, so mornings & evenings are absolutely gorgeous, apart from a little detail: there are more bugs of different kind. So, on my first night, I seemed to be the target for all the mozzies from the neighbourhood, landed something big and beetle like on my sheets (couldn't see properly what it was due to the speed with which I got rid of it) and ended up with about 20 bites just on my legs. Nice one. Strangely ... read more
to cross or not to cross...
hmmm, lychees!
a little Thai model

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai May 3rd 2007

Hello everybody, hope you are well, sorry for being so late with the writing, but we wrote this one last week but coulnt load any photos so we didn't publish it, but you can see photos of us on the elephans at my mum and sister also did this with us, there are some pretty funny ones. So week one of our trip is coming to a close antd there is almost too much to write about. Day one in Bangkok we saw the three main sights, the Grand Palace saw the changing of the guards, Wat (temple) Po which has an enormous 45m lying buddha statue, and Wat Arun, which was a cute little boat ride over the river and then back again, with a few beer chang to keep us going. Then ... read more
Grand Palace 2
Wat (temple) Po
Overnight train to Chiang Mai

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai May 2nd 2007

Chill-out in Pai D: Hallo mal wieder, Ich hab's dann tatsaechlich geschafft aus Chiang Mai zu "entkommen" :-) Die Fahrt nach Pai geht so ca 3 1/2 Stunden durch die Berge. Der Minibus hatte schon manchmal arg zu kaempfen und die Aircon musste auch abgestellt werden, sonst waer er einfach stehengeblieben :-) In Pai angekommen hab' ich dann gleich das Baan Pai Riverside Resort gefunden, dass mir Nura empfohlen hatte. Und tatsaechlich: es war wunderschoen dort und vor allem ruuuuhig. Das hab' ich auch echt gebraucht. Gewohnt hab' ich dort in einer Bambushuette mit einer guten harten(!) Matratze, was meinem Ruecken sehr gut tat. Das diese Huetten hellhoerig sind hat mir bis auf die letzte Nacht nix ausgemacht, da ich mir eine ganz am Ende des Restorts ausgesucht habe. Schoener Blick auf'm Fluss, 2 Bierchen und ... read more
The bridge to the resort
fishing at dusk
The river before the rain

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai May 1st 2007

So, big news. I'm about to sign a year contract with a school in Chiang Mai ... I'll be teaching in Varee Chiang Mai and while I was just paid for summer school (so I've got a wee paunchy cushion now and I'm doin' a lil' holiday in Pai w/some friends and I bought myself the cutest lil' cocktail dress, which looks like something Audrey Hepburn would have worn if she smoked pot, for my cocktail party on Friday), it'll be so, so wonderful to have a regular chunky wad of baht once a month. So there's buckets of celebration happening what with the job and my birthday and other such things... Officially, the contract ends next March. I may or may not stay for the second term, however, depending on how it all goes ... ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai April 26th 2007

An overnight bus traveling north found ourselves and Lisa in lovely Chiang Mai! We started with an early morning walk around the old forte area looking for a bed to sleep and found one next to our 1st organic cafe with amazing coffee (so strong), and big salad sandwiches with avocado! (It’s been a while). Did the touristy walk around the local area and chanced upon a temple with a LOT of Buddha’s, hand-carved from jade - one was the largest in Thailand. It was a sight to see and a very calming space with story-telling paintings around the walls and ceiling - especially the bright a colorful Bodhi tree! Decided to spend our only night here exploring the well known markets starting in late afternoon, spilling handicrafts and local wares onto the streets. The ... read more
Lisa Joy presents...
Tacome Pai
Intense bike track in Pai

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai April 19th 2007

I took a mini bus from Chaing Mai to Pai. The distance on the map is relitavley small but it still took 4 hours beause of the mountain roads. I was nearly sick both on the way there and on the way back just because of the undulating winding corners all the way! It does not help when its 35C and the AC does not work either. Pai is a small town the scenery around is very rural and agricultural it's quite unlike anything I had seen in Thailand before. Its almost like steaping back in time. Unfortunatley I didnt feel my best in Pai. I think all the late nights, dodgy stomachs, long travel days and the heat finally caught up with me. As a result I didnt do alot of note in Pai ... read more
River huts
Main street
Live music

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