Blogs from South Korea, Asia - page 333


Asia » South Korea » Busan December 20th 2006

So today was turning out to be a really bad day. I think I was just tired and having one of those days when it would have been super nice for somebody else to do my grocery shopping and cook my tea- I've come to realise the benefits of flatmates since I've been away! Plus I lost something due to my tiredness and carelessness which really annoyed me. Even a cup of Tetleys and a second bar of chocolate didn't help. Plus my free talking beginner students just looked at me blankly when I raised the topic of domestic violence with them and moaned it was too difficult-grrr. So up until 7pm I was not a happy bunny. Then everything changed. One of my students I taught last month stopped me in the hallway to give ... read more
Festive classroom!
An extra from alien...
In case I forget to talk proper n all that...

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Goyang » Ilsandong-gu December 20th 2006

Hello everyone, I wasn't gonna write until I got to Japan as life is basically routine at this point: work, train, eat, sleep, fun on weekends... However, last weekend, a great opportunity presented itself. Claire (another SFU alumni, the original to come here) got invited to go riding with a Korean guy and his snowboard instructor buddies. They extended the invitation to the rugby crew so 6 of us girls headed out to Vivaldi Park on Saturday afternoon after rugby practice. I was not in charge of the organisation so I had no expectations, only jitters as I was excited to get a first day of skiing under my belt. The way there was a blur with taxi rides, food gathering stopovers and running to make the bus as we were quite late. Luckily, Claire's friend ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Busan December 19th 2006

So, after spending most of this century pushing food, clothes and technology around various high street stores around the UK I thought it was maybe time to use my History degree and where better than somewhere like......... South Korea !. Well... Iam technically paid to teach English , ( or Engrish as they say round these parts) although my Director keeps asking me to speak with an American accent ( no way !) There is however, always ample opportunity to discuss my real love which is history.. The Korean War, Chinese/ Korean War or if Iam feeling particuarly mischevious the Korean/ Japanese wars ! It so easy and goes something like this.............. Andy " So in todays story, we saw that Hugh and Amy both write out a wish and tie it to their kite and ... read more
Japan sinking ?
Kelly ( on left) Chloe and Jenny
Easily Impressed

Asia » South Korea » Busan December 18th 2006

So sometimes there are just some things that keep a girl going you know?! In the absence of a suitable partner I have turned to other means to satisfy myself. In steps the toast man. The toast man can be found every day a 5 minute walk from my work. He can rustle up the best toasted sandwich I have ever had in my life, so good in fact that the other day, once I had already been for dinner, the toast man was out on the street at 2am (bless his cotton socks) and such is my commitment to showing you dear people a true slice (or two) of Korean life that I ordered a toast sandwich so that you too could witness the fitness. And yes, of course I ate it. There followed a ... read more
...the egg....
...the obligatory spam...
...the bread....I hope you're all paying attention..

Asia » South Korea » Suwon December 18th 2006

'Tis to be an update covering many a day... as I've been quite lethargic... There has been many an outing, many a meeting and many moments lost in swirl of time. I will recall as best I can and recount my adventures for your displeasure. Moments recorded in time tell me that myself and Fiona discovered a section of the city under destruction, an entire block of old apartment buildings being systematically torn down, an excelent location for photography by any stretch. Many a shot has been taken there, some of which can be seen on my DPC profile. A short trip into Seoul and a random exit at a random station also led us to a wonderful memorial tomb of which the gardens were quite magneficent in Autumn (a word I've not forgotten, despite my ... read more
The 15m Buddha
VB in stores now!

Asia » South Korea » Daegu December 18th 2006

...Each morning the drivers pile their cars onto the sidewalk and the bit of asphalt in front of the company building. The small, always-chipper man directs them and calls out "Good morning" to me whenever he is not preoccupied with the morning rush. I haven't heard him speak any other phrase in English. Well! He doubles as a package delivery man for the editing office - and he dropped off the enormous, cumbersome, Tolstoy-novel heavy package to editing - which became a main character in the office - since someone was either blocked, inconvenienced or in awe due to its size, - with each remark I basked in my package glory. "Whoa, who got that big mama?" "Brie, it's in my way, can you shift it to the right?" "Jesus, what was in that thing? Cookies? ... read more
Cheese Museum and Sleeping Quarters
Put your best foot in your mouth
A New Jersey Relic Arrives in Asia

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang December 17th 2006

It doesn't need to be said but, in typical Shawna fashion, I will say it nonetheless......Christmas is tough when you are abroad. In all honesty, I am handling it much better then I ever would have thought possible, considering my roommate and best friend is going home, to Calgary, to do everything I would sell my SOUL to do right about now (ie. Banff, hockey, dinner with MY family).....however, I am going to Thailand. And let's be's Thailand. What am I complaining about. But the holidays really sneak up on you...I mean REALLY sneak up on you. Fair enough, they do no matter where in the world you are, but here they kind of creep in when you aren't looking and punch you in the face. Snow is what makes it real. The first snow ... read more
Watching Xmas play practice
Watching Xmas play practice
All I want for Christmas is you

Asia » South Korea » Seoul December 17th 2006

Hello Everyone! About a week before Christmas, our good friend Ramit from Los Angeles came to South Korea for a visit. Ironically enough, the same day his plane arrived from sunny California, we had a large snowfall....the only snow we've seen this winter so far! Before picking up Ramit from the airport, we unfortunately both had to work this day. Larry found ways to make the most of it you can see he chose to have some snowball fights with his students! But anyway, Larry went to Incheon Airport to pick up Ramit later that same day, and had a nice surprise waiting for him at the airport...the entire Korean Soccer Team was there! Of course he took lots of pictures! Once he found Ramit, they hurriedly drove back to English Village together... They were ... read more
I wish it were a week later
making Damper's in cooking class
having a snowball fight with my students

Asia » South Korea December 17th 2006

(Sept. 2005-April 2006) My time in South Korea was great. And as I keep going over my memories, the more wonderful it is. I was lucky enough to be in a small town in the middle of the country. I became ambitious to know all parts of the country, and was fortunate enough to have wonderful friends to take me. Seoul is by far one of the best night time cities I have been to. The sheer size of the city is awe strucking. At night hubs of "dongs" come alive. The mixture of people from all over the world adds to the surroundings. Gangnam, Apgujeong, Hongik U, Itaewon (which can be seen as metro stops) are just a few of the places that are amazing to be at night. No last call, and a culture ... read more
Seoul-royal palace
Seoul-royal palace
Seoul-royal palace

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang December 16th 2006

After being in Korea for a month, Kovats and I started to feel pretty lazy with the lack of physical exercise. We were drinking lots of beer and eating lots of rice. That's a bad combination for the appearance of any body. So we had the option of either joining Taekwondo, or joining a gym. We joined "Kyunghee University Taekwondo". We refer to the owner as Grand Master. There are also two other instructors, whom we refer to as Mr. Lee and "Kevin". They are usually the ones teaching us. For the first two months we were White Belts. White is a symbol of innocence, as in we have no idea what we are doing. Thankfully we're since then graduated into Green Belts. There is lots of kicking and lots of stretching. I don't think I've ... read more
Mr. Lee
White vs. Black
Action Shot

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