Blogs from South Korea, Asia - page 334


Asia » South Korea December 15th 2006

It's almost that time of year again-- that time that all students and most teachers look forward to most in the year--winter vacation. My winter vacation begins December 23. Exams are over, classes are almost done. It's hard to believe a semester has already gone by. Then again, when I look back over my piles of lesson materials/plans I know that I've been here the good 5-6 months it feels like I've been here. To catch you up, many things have happened since my Thanksgiving update. We'll start with the actual Thanksgiving. I knew Thanksgiving would be hard in a foreign country because, well, only the US really celebrates Thanksgiving, of course. So, I was a little homesick Thanksgiving Day, even though I was able to call home and talk with everyone. But, lucky for me, ... read more
Huge Green Tea Fields
Huge Green Tea Fields
Green Tea Fields

Asia » South Korea December 14th 2006

Hello Everybody! This blog is about our two dear friends, Tara and Calvin....who both left English Village about 2 weeks ago. They are now safe and sound back in Canada (in a little town called REGINA - that rhymes with fun, haha!), enjoying the holidays with their families. Soon they will be looking for jobs, a house, a car, and putting the final touches on their wedding day - which will occur this June! (Wow...sounds exactly like what we'll be doing when we return to the U.S.!) These pictures are from a few of our last couple of outings with Tara and Calvin. The largest set of pictures are from their E.V. Going-Away Party (with most of the other teachers here) at our local pub, the Double Decker. Here, we all shared in a few good ... read more
Calvin's so cute!
Melanie, KJ, and Moguai
Calvin & Tara

Asia » South Korea » Busan December 13th 2006

So after a nightmare start on Thursday, my new life in teaching is getting better. I actually had a dream at the weekend, now this is genuine, and in my dream I had Lego hair which was bright yellow and someone stole it! It had to be one of the 'Bronx brats' but I couldn’t see their face but I was really upset! That kind of proves how distressed I was after last Thursday... ...Anyhow things have improved and I am currently teaching the loveliest, warmest Korean kids. I do have to teach the home boys on Thursday but I am a lot tougher now and I am ready for them! My classes today consisted of 4 boys who are normally very naughty for the Korean teacher but they were little angels for me. They turned ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Busan December 13th 2006

So my Hagwon ( school academy) director Joseph gets his arse into gear , some teaching cover is arranged, which allows me to obtain my E2 work visa = a trip to Japan !! Emma haS to stay behind to work so off I go alone to the ' Land of the Rising Sun’ - YES ! .........SUMO, SAKHI & SUSHI have always wanted to go there- . Cutting edge technology, the chance of experiencing an imminent earthquake even..... - Don't get me wrong Korea is fascinating , querky and often infuriating but Japan for me has always had a certain allure. Ever since I was captivated as a 7 year old when I first watched the kids cult classic ' Monkey' ERM plus some documentary showing a bullet train speeding through skyscraper at some ridiculous ... read more
visa run
visa run
min bar

Asia » South Korea » Busan December 13th 2006

We have decided to dedicate this page to the power of Korean logic and all things that make so much sense in this country. A guy from Canada that we met on Saturday told us that he was complaining for weeks and weeks to his boss about not being paid. After getting fed up with his continuous moaning he decided to go higher and went to the City Hall (similar to council's in the UK) and demanded his money. He was told to go home and to expect a phone call within the next few days confirming when the money would be put into his bank account. So he goes home, waits a few days and then gets a phone call from the City Hall explaining that they have great news and they will be around ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Gwangju December 11th 2006

Ill have to admit, the powers of Karaoke rested latent inside me until somewhat recently. Not unlike a young Clark Kent who discovered his talents set him apart from other mild-mannered journalists, yours truly has leaped his own tall building of sorts and came down nothing short of super. The Korean people take their Karaoke frightfully serious and any type of foreign invasion could tip the balance of an already slippery sino-american state of relations. I, of course, took this great responsibility into consideration before I stormed the stage last Saturday. A brief note on the history of Karaoke: The year was 1895, a young Korean man named Sang Kim-Long was working in a small, out of the way, soju joint in the area now known as Busan. The nation was still reeling and rife ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang December 11th 2006

It's just another Thursday night. A little after eleven o'clock at night and I have just arrived home at my studio apartment in Royal Palace Housevill. As I'm sitting in my chair, drinking a cup of grape juice and checking my e-mail, the phone rings. "Uggh" (that's how old Korean men answer the phone, and aspiring to be like an old Korean man, precisely how I answer mine) "Yo, Shawn, it's Dave." "What's going on Dave?" "Not much. Me and Mary are meeting a couple others down in Seohyeon at Dublin Bar to get some drinks and hang out. You want to come?" "Sure." "You going to take a taxi?" "Nah, I'll probably walk. I'll see you in about 30 minutes." "Alright. Later." (end conversation. Lights fade to black. Begin Scene 2. Open on a dark ... read more
Playing Go
Korean Dog
Planned River

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang December 10th 2006

Wine Party About a week ago, Dave organized a little wine party for anyone who was interested. He was able to gather about 12 of us and naturally it ended up being mostly foreign teachers. So, this wasn't the kind of wine and cheese party where everyone brings something and all share, or the kind of party where Dave is kind enough to supply several bottles of wine for the enjoyment of others. Though Dave may be a generous guy, he's a bit smarter than that. If you're going to have a wine party, how about you find out a way to make the wine free for everyone? Dave found an add for a wine distributor that puts on wine tastings for large groups. He spread the word, gathered enough of us, called the guy, and ... read more
Warren and Jin Ju

Asia » South Korea » Gangwon-do » Seoraksan December 10th 2006

Still glowing from the joys of Mo’vember, we set out to conquer the tallest peak in north South Korea…Daecheongbong, in Seoraksan National Park. We made a noble attempt at this same peak early in November, but having expected an 8-hour round trip, we found out at the beginning of the hike that it was just 8-hours to the top (and 6 hours back down), which was simply not do-able in late autumn daylight hours. We had to give up 1 km from the top or risk dying on a mountain-side. While some of our photos may suggest that we’re hell-bent on meeting precisely this end, we’d like to reassure you all that we do it for the views, not for the glorious demise! So this time…(yes, further into the freezy months, we know), we decided to ... read more
"Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires"
On the rocks
Worst nightmare

Asia » South Korea » Seoul December 10th 2006

For those of you keeping track, it's been awhile since I last posted a blog. I hadn't really done any traveling around Korea and work has been keeping me busy (and I've been a little bit lazy). For the whole month of December I've been working with my Kindies practicing our play - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer - for the school's winter Drama Festival. It hasn't been the easiest thing to do, but I think once we finally present the play to the parents, it should turn out okay. I thought it would have been a lot harder for the kids to memorize 6 lines each and 2 songs, but they've worked really hard and are able to get through it! Anyways, this weekend I decided that Sunday would be a good day to venture into ... read more
Changing of the Guard
Changing of the Guard2
Main Entrance

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