Blogs from Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong, Asia - page 100


Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island December 3rd 2006

Ein schönes Wochenende liegt hinter mir. Nach vieler Lernerei und Programmierproblemen im HKO, dies ist nun alles vorbei, war es mal wieder Zeit für ein erholsames Wochenende außerhalb der City. Nach einigen bereits vergeblichen Anläufen beschloss eine Gruppe von Exchange Students mit ein paar Locals zu einem Strand in den östlichen New Territories zu wandern, dort zu übernachten und am nächsten Tag zurück zu laufen. Es ging von SaiWan über Tai Long (Strand) nach PakTam - nur so als Hinweis :-). Schon der erste Eindruck war atemberaubend. Am Abend machten wir dann ein Lagerfeuer und wie die Stimmung es ergab wurde gegessen, gequatscht, gesungen und gelacht. Zum Lachen gab es auch reichlich Anlass, egal ob wegen der schraegsten Gesangstruppe, die ich je gehoert habe oder dem indianischen Urwaldtanz rund ums Feuer. Die Nacht war angenehm, nicht ... read more
der erste Blick

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island December 2nd 2006

We arrived in Hong Kong and grabbed a subway to Causeway Bay, the journey was pretty painless as we are now fairly good at finding our way around this city. Checking into the guesthouse took a while as they didnt have a word of English, but they were incredibly nice so we didnt mind. That evening we just watched a bit of T.V before heading to bed. The next day we headed to the Hong Kong History Museum, which is pretty much the only tourist attraction we had left to see. It was an excellent museum and very detailed. Afterwards we headed to Chungking Mansions for another Indian curry, since it was so good the last time we were there. We had another quiet night in front of the T.V (Boring). The following morning we headed ... read more
Times Square
Ronan In The Museum of History
An Old Hong Kong Tram Which Looks Surprisingly Like The Ones Still In Operation

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island December 1st 2006

We landed in Hong Kong on December 1st, the date today is actually January 29th, I have only just been introduced to this Blog but it makes more sense to start at the begining so I thought I would back date it. As a result I won't go into too much detail but I thought Hong Kong was a wicked place. I would deffinately go back there, it offers a fantastic example of modern development and achievement coupled with cultural tradition and simplicity.... read more
Hong Kong by Night
Tall Building
Some Building?

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island November 20th 2006

Some photos from mary and my guilin/yangshou trip and some photos from a recent night out in Hong Kong, which left us like addicts, broke and craving more!... read more
Rented Fur
my favorite breakfast....finally
going wild in guilin

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island November 14th 2006

Hey, Here are some photos from the first few days in Hong Kong. I'm hoping to just go out today and take some more pictures, as I finally bought a plug adapator from an old lady in the street yesterday! Also included some pictures of my lovely jubbly studio apartment! Back at work tomorrow (Monday) and I wish I didn't have to work! It's not bad once Ive started but just always harder when returning after a holiday!! Now it's hardwork all the way till Christmas! That's another 6 weeks! YAY! I've not bought my ticket yet but will be returning to HCMC for Christmas, so if you're there then let me know so we can catch up at the sushi bar or Bia hoi!! Tuesday Elizabeth and I went to Disneyland! That's right! There's a ... read more
The Peak
View from the Star Ferry
Hong Kong By Night

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island November 8th 2006

Morning readers your intrepid travellers are back on line for a quick update. Hong Kong has been everything we had hoped and more. It is well worth a visit even if shopping is not the first thing on your list of activities. It is such a weird combination of east and west water and concrete, glass and grass. The trams are the dogs whatsits and run till 1am. they cost about 12p for any distance route. On Sunday the whole population decends on closed shopping and financial malls for picnics and social gatherings. On any other day they shop till they drop. Bejing next, in fact we are waiting to leave now!! Catch up soon D&M ... read more
on the peak ((at night))

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island November 5th 2006

Sonntag, also was gibt es bei 25°C-28°C, Sonnenschein besser zu tun, als sich die Wanderschuhe anzuziehen und die grünen Flächen Hongkongs aufzusuchen. Erstmal wieder viele Fotos, da das hochladen immer so lange dauert, Erzählungen gibt es später.... read more
Avenue of Stars
Star Ferry
Peak Tram

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island November 5th 2006

Today has been a packed day. We started off heading back to Hong Kong Island as Clare had discovered there is a beach (for once she hadn't studied the guide book to death). After catching the boat across, we then jumped on a bus and travelled through Aberdeen, passing Repulse Bay (!) and on to Stanley Market, which as markets go was a bit tacky, but the beach was lovely and the weather more so - a hot and pleasant 28 degrees! This evening we have travelled to Victoria Peak which has a cable car which takes you about 396 metres high into the hill side of Hong Hong with amazing night time views of the harbour. Many residents live even higher up the island and construction is still ongoing. This trip is not to be ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island November 1st 2006

1-2 Nov 06: London to Hong Kong Having come very close to the wire in finding a tenant for our flat, the powers of good fortune shone down on us again as our new tenant (in addition to taking our flat in the nick of time), also happened to be a BA pilot who managed to get us an upgrade to BA business class for our outbound flight to Hong Kong...!Having left Lovedean for Heathrow (very reminiscent of a similar journey made in 1997...) we were soon ensconced in our flat bed with champagne and the obligatory Hello magazine (ahhem... sorry, had to be done). The flight was fantastic and soon we were in a taxi on our way to the Novotel Hotel in Hong Kong which was a fabulous wedding present from two friends of ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island November 1st 2006

Well having boarded our Hydro-jet back to Hong Kong we were informed that signal Flag 1 for a Tornado had been raised and the water was likely to be a bit choppy. While we had no idea what that meant we knew it wasn't good news. The journey back was rough and we bounced across the water more than we skimmed but was still fine. Once safely back on dry land we got a subway to Hong Kong Island. Causeway bay lies beside Central Hong Kong and is a really nice area. Once again the reception of our hostel was in a completely different building to our room and once again the room was in a small apartment that had been converted into 5 rooms using thin cardboard for walls as far as we could tell. ... read more
Causeway Bay
A Quiet Night At The Track
Our Alternative To Gambling

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