Blogs from Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong, Asia - page 101


Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island October 30th 2006

So much for the bus taking 10 hours! We arrived at Shenzhen 14 hours after boarding and a horrendous night. The journey was really uncomfortable - the beds too short, the road so bumpy - we got about 2 hours kip all night. We couldn't wait to get off. We walked to border immigration which was a quick, painless process and made our way to Noble Hostel in Causeway Bay. Our 'Rough Guide' said it was a good place to stay. We found it easily enough and the owners were friendly, although they wouldn't give us a discount for staying for 7 nights, which seemed a bit mean. Mr Noble told us 60% of his rooms were closed for renovation, then Mrs Noble showed us to our room. Yuk! This clearly was one that had yet ... read more
Fishing - Aberdeen harbour
Happy Valley Racecourse
It takes careful studying of the form!

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island October 30th 2006

3 months...3 months and not more than 30 minutes spent in Hong Kong. I don't count a trip to a seven eleven or running to catch our plane in the Hong Kong airport to add up to my HK experience. 3 months I couldn't even tell anyone what it smelled like or what the peolpe looked like or how much I loved it. So much of my preparation in coming to China, contained Hong Kong. I know I said Hong Kong, more times than I ever said Shenzhen, in fact I might have had people believe I was actually going to be living there. Whether in describing geographically where Shenzhen was (just North of Hong Kong) or what I would spend my time doing (shopping and exploring HK) was always in reference to hong kong, not ... read more
it wasn't real!
We fit so well into the skyline!

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island October 22nd 2006

Heute ein Einblick in einen wunderschönen freien Sonntag! Morgens ging es in aller Frühe, 8am, los: zuerst nach Aberdeen auf Hongkong Island und dann mit dem Schiff hinaus auf's weite Meer. Es waren insgesamt 19 Leute dabei, 17 Chinesen und zum Glück ein weiterer Deutscher aus Regensburg und ich. Mit MTR und Bus ging es dann schließlich nach Aberdeen, wo wir mit kleinen urigen Booten, wie ich sie von dem Trip nach CheungChau kannte, zur Dschunke. Dann ging es los, dank Motor hatten wir keine Probleme den Hafen zu verlassen und nach einer kurzen Einführung packten dann alle mit an, um das Segel zu setzen. Anschließend bekamen wir eine kurze Führung über das gesamte Schiff, wobei ich mal wieder feststellen durfte, dass ich mich unter Deck während der Fahrt nicht wirklich wohl fühle. Das Ziel des ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island October 18th 2006

Hong Kong - Victoria Peak Asia » Hong Kong » Victoria Peak By roseycheeksOctober 18th 2006Yvonne Choi I went to the Victoria Peak with my former colleague and her husband on 18Oct06. We took the peak-tram up the hill; it took less than 10 minutes. We arrived at the Peak Tower, which was built recently. There are mixture of shopping, dining and entrainment. There’s a Hong Kong Madame Tussauds in the Peak Tower, it is less £10 (HKD120) for the entrance fee. If you didn’t feel like to go in, there’s one Bruce Lee waxwork for you to take pictures with for free! The staffs are happy to take pictures for you. There’s a famous theme restaurant inside the Pe... read more
Victoria Peak
Victoria Peak
Victoria Peak

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island October 18th 2006

I have finally found a few minutes to sit down and write news! I apologise but it has been hectic from the word go here and I haven't been able to take showers let alone write on here! I have been in HK for over a week now and I began to write this travelblog entry but have decided to give up and try again at the weekend... sorry but my writing was crap! Just to let you know that I'm ok, not having much fun yet as I've been thrown into work but I'm loving Hong Kong so far! No time for shopping yet... but there will be soon... no worries! The biggest news is that I have checked out of the hotel and moved into my own apartment! It's a 1 bedroom studio apartment ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island October 17th 2006

Arrived in Hong Kong yesterday to fairly intense humidity but one of the most seamless and futuristic train rides we've ever taken. Our rucksacks seem way heavier than when we left the UK - not too sure why given we haven't bought any pressies yet (I've been tempted to buy lots though!) Our hostel is right in the heart of busy and crazy Causeway Bay surrounded by gorgeous clothes shops which is a bit of a disaster for me given I'm very aware that we are on a strict budget. There are people everywhere and it's full of bright lights and advertising for food, clothes, cameras...everything!It's almost difficult to find a restaurant despite there being hundreds because they all look like Supermacs or some fast food joint and the others are all hidden on the top ... read more
J&K on the peak

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island October 11th 2006

Today has been a great day! We got up early and caught the Star Ferry to the island of Hong Kong. This is where the central business district is located. Transportation is fairly inexpensive here and it only cost a couple of dollars to ride the ferry. From the ferry, we rode a bus to the Victoria Peak Tram. We had great views of the harbor from the tram and even better from the peak. We visited the Central Market while we were on the island. I found some cute oriental PJ's for my grandaughters. They were exactly like a pair that my friend Miriam Hipp brought to my daughter from Hong Kong over thirty years ago. Next, we went to the HK Musuem of Art and saw neat exhibits on gold and jade. I talked ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island October 11th 2006

Our bags our packed, our tickets are bought, and our visas are secured (finally); in 2 hours we'll be checking our bags for the 24 hour train journey from Hung Hom station in Kowloon to Beijing. Once in the capital, our first priority will be to arrange admission to Beijing Normal University for the spring semester. Since we'll be there for 6 months starting in January, there are no 'must see' sites for us. We would, however, like to make a trip to the Huang Ha section of the great wall, the 'wild wall.' This section has no tickets, no hawkers, and is overgrown with weeds, completely unrestored. And it is breathtaking; exactly how the wall should be experienced, in My view. Hostel reservations were easily made online, and we've even secured a double bed in ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island October 6th 2006

Well this week i've ended up in Hong Kong for the mid-autumn festival holiday. It was pretty unplanned but its been fun! After having 3 hours sleep on thursay night i went to a 7am christian 'bankers' breakfast (at the top of the HSBC building) It happens every month and my dad was 'Mr September'as it were. He did a really good and funny talk, it was about how he became a christian when he was a teenager in Hong Kong and also he spoke about his brief spell in politics in the UK. There were nearly 80 people there and some had to be turned away at the door because it was so full! I have a recording of it but haven't quite worked out how to put it on this blog! I've had a ... read more
mum and dad
some resevoir somewhere

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island October 6th 2006

Nun ist also schon Oktober. Man nennt diese Zeit ebenfalls Herbst - bei 25°C - 30°C nicht wirklich nachvollziehbar für mich. Es fühlt sich mehr wie ein ausgedehnter Sommer an. Auf jeden Fall wird dies hier groß gefeiert, vor allem wenn Vollmond (heute) ist. An diesem Tag heißt es dann Moon Festival. Man isst Moon Cake, in den verschiedensten Sorten mit viel Ei, Peanut und eine weißliche Vaiante soll es auch noch geben, aber habe ich noch nicht probiert. Insgesamt ist es ein recht gehaltvoller Kuchen. Ich war zum heutigen Anlass im Victoria Park in Causeway Bay, weil dort traditionell der Fire Dragon Dance statt findet. Das sieht dann folgendermaßen aus: es wird ein Drachen gebaut, der aussieht, als würde er aus fest zusammengepressten Heu bestehen; mithilfe vieler Stangen bringen viele Leute den Drachen in Bewegung; ... read more
Moon Festival

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