Blogs from Songea, South, Tanzania, Africa


Africa » Tanzania » South » Songea August 25th 2019

Riesiges Krankenhaus, großer, überdachter Wartebereich, Anmeldung, die einzelnen Abteilungen - alles so ähnlich, wie bei uns, halt in Afrikanisch. Der Eingsngsbereich wurde von einer Augsburger Architektin gestaltet. Der Boden ist geschliffene Travertin. Bei Regen spiegelglatt. Das Dach wird von einer sehr merkwürdigen Holzkonstruktion getragen. Kirche:riesig. Ich ging schlauerweise in die 7.00 Messe, kam da auch noch zu spät und erst nach der Predigt. Aber ich hatte die richtige Annahme, dass nämlich diese Messe viel kürzer sein würde, als die um 10.00. Die hat dann tatsächlich fast drei Stunden gedauert, aber da saß ich vor der Kirche auf einem Mäuerchen, häkelte ein Einkaufsnetz und schwatzte mit Vorbeikommenden. Bei jeder Messe war ein Chor zu Gange - vielleicht war es auch der selbe, die waren so begeistert, dass ich mir das vorstellen kann. Keyboard, Rasseln, Trommeln, alle Lieder ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » South » Songea August 25th 2019

Ich hatte Order, um 8.00 bereit zu sein, Schwester Elisabeth kam, ein Fahrer fuhr vor und los gingˋs. Zuerst zu der Leprastation, nur etwa 5 km von P. Dort sind im Moment nur noch vier Leprakranke plus ein Gesunder, der der Bruder eines Kranken ist und sonst nirgends hin kann. Es gibt ein Zentrum, wo die Nahrungsmittel gelagert werden und auch die Küche ist. Jeden Morgen wird die tägliche Ration ausgegeben und dann wird gekocht. Die Kranken wohnen in kleinen Häusern, die die Deutsche Leprahilfe gebaut hat, im Moment sind nur zwei Häuser belegt, die anderen sind vermietet, die Miete (etwa 5 Euro pro Monat) wird wieder für die Versorgung der Kranken verwendet. Diese vier Leprösen haben zusammen drei Beine, der Rest sind Stümpfe, Finger sind ebenfalls sehr knapp, Augen, alles Mögliche fehlt. Einer hat eine ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » South » Songea August 24th 2019

Ich hasse es, wenn ich mit jemandem reisen muss, der zwar von dort ist, aber sich trotzdem nicht auskennt. Schwester Bernarda brachte Schwester Veronika und mich zum Busbahnhof. Dieser ist ganz neu und somit kennt sich noch niemand so recht aus. Das ist nämlich eine der Infrastrukturmaßnahmen des Staates, dass überall neue Busbahnhöfe gebaut werden. Weil im Ort natürlich kein Platz dafür ist, werden sie weit draußen gebaut, man muss also nach der Ankunft erst mal ein Taxi nehmen und in den Ort rein fahren. An diesem Busbahnhof irrten wir wie die kopflosen Hühner umher, um die Stelle zu finden, wo der Bus abfährt. Ich weiß imer noch nicht, warum keiner auf die Idee kam, zu fragen... Lustigerweise heißt der Bus FEO Express, er hat die 200 km nach Songea tatsächlich in vier Stunden geschafft. Uwemba ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » South » Songea February 14th 2017

My trip to the south coast and to Masasi, Tunduru and Songea. Arrival There was standing room only on the daladala the battered mini and not so mini buses that criss-cross Dar es Salaam ferrying commuters all over town. The tout cum conductor had shuffled me to a place behind the driver on the choka-blok minibus and helpfully positioned my cabin-sized wheeled case out of the way of the crush of people, and then charged me 400 TZS (around 14p) for the journey. I was hot and sticky even though it was only just gone 6am I dreaded every traffic light and traffic jam, because when the bus stopped so did the cooling draft from the open window. I’d arrived at Dar es Salaam airport with Turkish airlines after 3 in the morning but really I ... read more
Butchers Kariokoo
Dar Hotel
Level crossing Gerezani

Africa » Tanzania » South » Songea August 30th 2013

Friday, August 30th, 2013- Saturday, August 31st, 2013 On the road again… Today we were on the road again from Iringa back to Dar Saleem airport. We stopped at an arts and crafts store on the way. I bought a lion painting, salad spoons and a jewellery box. Renata bought some jewellery. The whole Tancan 2013 team cleared out the store in one sweep. Then we were back on the road again to Dar Saleem airport. We may have missed our flight if we did not take a secret route to the airport to bypass the rush hour traffic. We were able to make our flight with time to spare. The plane ride home was fairly uneventful. From DarSaleem we headed to Zurich, from Zurich to Newark and from Newark to Buffalo and then the greyhound ... read more
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 943
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 962
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 964

Africa » Tanzania » South » Songea August 29th 2013

Thursday, August 29th, 2013 Walking tour and meeting the Maasai…. Today Renata, Viola, Leo, Joanne and I went on a walking tour early in the morning with Eddie and a Maasai through the National Reserve. We saw animals in the distance and learned about the trees and animal footprints. We saw a baobab tree that was used as a hideout for poachers to hunt for animals. The gun the Maasai warrior was carrying was not for animals but for poachers. Poachers will kill humans if they are seen in order to protect themselves. Luckily, we did not see any poachers. Eddie gave us the fruit of the baobab tree to taste. It was overripe and tasted powdery and sour. The Tanzanian people make a drink out of the fruit juices. The baobab fruit is known to ... read more
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 857
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 856
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 858

Africa » Tanzania » South » Songea August 27th 2013

Tuesday August 27th- Wednesday, August 28th, 2013 Ruaha National Park Safari…. Its Safari time! The Tancan 2013 group took two safari vehicles to Ruaha National Park. Seven of us traveled with tour guide Eddie while the rest of the group traveled with tour guide Jacintha. We saw numerous elephants, giraffe, zebras, impala and kudus and learned about their mating habits and way of life. The safari vehicles went up and down through the bush as we searched for hidden animals. At one point the other group’s vehicle got stuck while searching for a leopard. We missed spotting the leopard that time but later on in the day we came across it lying under a tree. It was not keen on getting its picture taken and slowly walked away. I felt like a paparazzi, taking pictures and ... read more
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 480
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 481

Africa » Tanzania » South » Songea August 26th 2013

Monday August 26th, 2013 Bus ride to Iringa….. Today was a long bus ride from Mbangamao to Iringa. We did not have the luxurious coach we had for our first road trip from Dar Saleem to Songea. However, it got us from point A to point B. We first arrived in Songea, where we met the sisters for the last time and took any of remaining luggage stored at the clinic. We also said goodbye to Shirley, Virgil, Martha, Elizabeth and Suzanna, who were leaving us. Shirley and Virgil were going to Kenya to meet other sponsor children from their parish and Martha and Elizabeth were going onward to Kenya to go back to work at the Chalice office in Kenya. Suzanna was going back to Dar Saleem, where she works in a CIDA organization. Then ... read more
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 471
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 472
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 473

Africa » Tanzania » South » Songea August 25th 2013

Sunday August 25th, 2013 Mass, school blessing, sponsor child visits and Canada vs. Tanzania basketball game…… Today was officially our last day in Mbangamao. At mass, we were greeted by the bishop and the priests in the region (Father Varghese, Father Matthew, Father Pachai, Father Simon). The church was decorated with streamers, for the bishops welcome. It looked very festive. After the mass which was spoken in Swahili, the bishop, members of the congregation, and the Canadian team headed back to the school where the bishop gave a blessing on the newly built De Paul Secondary School library and computer lab. The computer lab will not only provide educational resources to De Paul Secondary school students but also the government students in the community. It is a great tool to provide students with the education they ... read more
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 408
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 412
TANCAN 2013 Trip (August 10-31) 415

Africa » Tanzania » South » Songea August 24th 2013

Saturday, August 24th, 2013 Last day of Clinic …. Clinic Day 5: Today, I was in charge of the gift table. I had to make sure that there were enough gifts for the clinic children. Our supply was diminishing. It was a fairly slow day. I played card games with the student volunteers at the clinic and talked with other members of the Tancan team. At the end of the clinic I handed out candy canes to the student volunteers not expecting them to go crazy and surround me. They were normal while we played card games. I guess when it comes to free candy all civility goes out the window. It was a free for all, and chaos unfolded as the volunteers swarmed me while grabbing the candy. I was glad when all ... read more

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