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October 29th 2006
Published: October 29th 2006
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Festival time!Festival time!Festival time!

Women's festival for 36 hours
Arrived in Varanasi after a short flight from Delhi and to our relief our pick up was patiently waiting in the arrivals hall (our flght was delayed by over an hour!).

The Taj Ganges hotel is lovely (it apparently has the most deluxe rooms available in Varanasi, which is a welcome relief from the chaos surrounding it!).

We were invited to go on a sunset boat ride along the Ganges, which we did, but we missed the sunset as our ride into town was caught up in festival traffic madness! Although we cannot remember the name, the festival is for Hindu women across India to come the river to celebrate and pray for good health for their families through a 36 hour ritual. This includes prayer, candles floating down the river, parades and fasting.

Having made it through the narrow alleyways down to the Ganges river bank, we hopped into a boat with our guide. The boatman rowed the boat past some of the largest Ghats (steps down to the river where Temples are located). One of the most thought provoking was the large cremation Ghat where we saw families cremating their recently deceased. The mood was somber though no emotions are allowed.

Before heading back to the hotel, we stopped at a silk house where our guide introduced us to his "family". These family members turned out to be sales men. 😊) Layer upon layer of silk/bedpreads was laid out for us. After a cup of Chai tea (nearly as good as Atuls!) we managed to escape without spending a penny. (nice scam by the way!)

Streets, alleyways and paths... how best to describe them?.... Imagine the worst and multiply that by several! Cows, dogs, excrement, rubbish, motor bikes, people and the list goes on. Life here is a far cry from our luxuries.

This morning we went back into the Old Town for a beautiful sunrise boat ride on the Ganges. The sunrise was the final part to the festival where we watched thousands of women bathing in the Ganges. Not something that either Ruth or I fancied. (The river is classed as toxic by international water standards!).

Tonight we will stay one last night before going onto Khajuraho tomorrow!


29th October 2006

nothing better to do
you must be thinking she's not got anything better to do but write on your travel blog, but really my life is a whirlwind of nappies, naps, feeding and laundry. Sounds like you are having a fab time, am still feeling v envious , but we prob will not go to see the mother in law in jan as alex a bit small :(, so atul looking at holidays last night to destinations easier with a baby. Sunny autumn day today, unfortunately could not make the most of the extra hour now clocks back as babies don't understand the concept of british summertime vs greenwich meantime. both the boys having their morning naps at the moment ( 10am). i am going to try out some paints at the house. the Polish chaps have moved in and started work. saw a fab sofa in JL yesterday, also need a bed ordered asap as got to be moved in by 23rd nov, time is marching on. TTFN. Hx
30th October 2006

Great to hear from you!
This is a real treat to keep track of your far away footsteps as you begin your Indian adventures. Keep the diary coming, its a great read!

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