Mid trip R&R

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July 28th 2004
Published: July 28th 2004
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Hello everyone, Abbie, Sally and Alice bringing you the news today,
We were all really tired and we have to admit a little bit on the moody side after a sleepless night in a hammock followed by a smelly overnight train, but we have recovered!!! On Monday night we found ourselves in a lovely hotel and therefore received a good night's sleep with the promise of a free day the next morning and this definitely lifted all of our spirits. The next day the group split, some people opting for the option of the beach while others decided to explore the town and the market. The majority who decided on the beach, found themselves on a deserted tropical paradise with drinks and food at our beck and call. We found that the China Sea was luxuriously warm and clear, while some swam others had manicures and had their legs threaded?! For the whole few hours we were surrounded by people trying to sell us bits and pieces and in the end we all bought something, even a particularly stubborn Sally! We returned by Minibus early afternoon ready to spend the rest of the day getting clothes fitted in the hundreds of tailor shops lining the streets of Hoi An or just lazing by the pool in the hotel (we are real true backpackers!). We had dinner on the riverfront and there was definitely a more relaxed mood in the group as we had had a small R&R interval to prepare us for our main challenge, the REAL trek!
This morning we boarded a coach and headed north to Hue, the ancient town, we have just arrived and had to seek accomodation, there are definitely more westerners in the North so finding a place to stay was hard and consequently we have been split up, however it's only for one night so no worries! Tomorrow we are hoping to have a trip on the famous perfume river on a dragon boat seeing numerous pagodas, tombs and temples. We are then catching another overnight train to Hanoi so we will update you all with all of our travels in a few days.
All the best
Team 1


28th July 2004

Yo yo
Hey guys-what a nice little report from my favs. Glad to hear you're still having fun. Weather here is amazing and I've got the burnt chest and legs to prove it!! Hope you're all behaving and remember that I miss you all loads. Am saving my liver for when you get back as it's a little inflammed atm. Speak soon, Larysa xxxx
28th July 2004

Oh yeah sal just to tell u that Cahill (THE FIT ONE) has gone to Everton. Shame but at least it's better then Crystal Palace. Ha ha Greg!!
29th July 2004

hello all, glad to see u are having a lovely lovely time i am sooo jealous. weather is lovely, went to little hampton yest to soak up the sun so am now tanned/burnt.yay. hope everyone is well and there is some talent out in the sticks.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
27th September 2004

hi all
glad you are having great time, was good to hear you in hoi an, i was there about a year ago, great little market hey? Have fun Nik

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