Tales of Cambodia

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Asia » Cambodia
October 27th 2006
Published: October 27th 2006
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On our arrival in Cambodia we headed straight for Siem Reap, home to Cambodia's architectural gem, Angkor Wat. It was a hot sticky day, and a bumpy ride in a Cambodian tuk-tuk- a scooter with a cabin attached, a different breed to those in Thailand, but we were head over heels for the stud that drove us around...NAD...was his name! The area around the around Angkor Wat is beautiful, you really do not feel as if you are in a developing Cambodia. Our only and short day in Siem Reap was spent exploring Ta Phrom and then Angkor Wat, where we watched the sunset.

The following morning we took a 5.5 hour bus journey from Siem Reap to Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh. During the journey we passed through many villages and were able to see the way of life the villagers lead. Children returning home from school, some with shoes and some barefooted. Their uniform wet with sweat from the heat and dirty from the dusty roads, that they use to get to and from school, the better-off children have shoes and a school bag! Its touching you cant help but feel sorry for them and then it hits you...

Check him out...its a first come first serve basis only!
they dont know any better! Women working in rice fields, in the heat, and then you see people on their bikes and its amazing what Cambodians can carry on their bicycles... a dead pig, a guy on a bicycle with wicker baskets piled 10 feet high and much more...

So as the bus pulls into Phnom Penh, you are bombarded with hungry tuk-tuk drivers that surround the door and say one thing "MADAM, TUK-TUK" and all you want to say "is move out the bloody way i want to get off this bus". Our time in Phnom Penh was somber, we visited the Khmer Rouge Killing Fields, where thousands of innocent Cambodians were tortured to death under Communism rule. It was a hard day to digest, as we knew what we saw however could not understand or believe it. The extent of the Khmer Rouge became clearer when we visited its corresponding museum, where we were faced with the many pictures of the victims. It was upsetting to acknowledge that this had all occurred just before we were born and the aftermath of which is still visible.

Cambodia, has two extremes, its both cosmopolitan and poverty striken. By
Cambodian SpecialityCambodian SpecialityCambodian Speciality

Can you guess what it is...pickled spiders and we saw two guys eating them..crunchy!
night you see trendy bars and restaurants, all to match the standards seen in London, however when looking beyond the bar you see the poverty, beggars on street injured from landmines, small children forced to beg and sell to tourists, and when walking through the streets we could not help notice the lack of sanitation, dirt and the smell (and we thought Kho San was bad).

Overall an interesting experience...


27th October 2006

He's Mine!!!!
I grabbed him first so hands off ladies......... Not sure I fancy eating my dinner after seeing those spiders. Thanks girls...... Keep the stories rolling, they are a fantastic read. Flying out in 6 weeks can't wait to see you. Counting down already. Look forward to the next update.
27th October 2006

excellent diary Neel!!! Keep it up babe !!!!
27th October 2006

Crunchy Spiders!
I screamed when i realised that they were toasted spiders...yuk. So where you guys not brave enough to try??? Cambodia looks beautiful, sounds like u girls are experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions seeing such different classes of society, makes us feel so gratefull for all that we have. Keep up the great stories, and I hope you girls are getting time to rest sounds like your constantly on the move. Keep safe Love Barbie xxxx
27th October 2006

Go driver... Go Nad!
Sorry - I couldnt help it! Looks and sounds like your having a great time :0) Enjoy ladies - have fun, be safe!
29th October 2006

Eeeeew! Pickled spiders... might worst fear... pickled!
That picture of the spiders is grossing me out, even while I type this!!! God, I hope they're not like that in South America! Good to hear you're both safe and enjoying yourselves still. Would love to see more pics if you can fit them on here (just not of spiders please!).
29th October 2006

Miss you..... Miss you......photos.......neelu pooah holiday airplane whoooosh!!
31st October 2006

hey Nil's and pri, You look so tanned. Lovely seeing photos of my sister and cousin. I wish I was in a hot country like you. I have a horrible phobia about spiders. In a way I'm glad they're not alive..cause if they were I'll be running a mile in the other direction! Missing you girls very much. lots of love Ruby
6th November 2006

Ahh pickled spiders....... what a yummy delicacy........ NOT!!!! I am sitting here itching like crazy right now. Thanks!!! I am off to google cute pictures now to get that nasty image out of my head......... Continue enjoying and be careful of what you eat! xoxo
6th November 2006

That last comment was me.... sorry, I think I forgot to write my name. Must be all that cringing and itching!
7th November 2006

Sounds like your having an amaizing time and it looks amazing! It all looks like a page out of a holiday book! btw those spiders look tasty, did you try one? Its amazing how you can update this from wherever you go. Also it sounds as if you have had to wait agggggggggggeeeeeeeessssssssss on public transport and its probably not the best experiance (and i thought going to glasgow for 5 hours was bad!) Take care, have fun and enjoy this amazing-once-in-a-lifetime experiance!! lots of love, all the Taheems at 154 (and soon to be Mrs. Punn aswell!)
9th November 2006

Hey guys
Hey, hope you are both keeping well. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Neels, hope your having a good one! Its been brilliant reading the travel blog. Keep it up along with the amazing pictures... Man do I envy you guys. It sounds like you are making the most of it which is great. Atul and mum send there love, take care.
9th November 2006

Happy Birthday Neelu!!!!!!
Baar baar din ye aaye, baar baar dil ye gaaye Tu jiye hazaaron saal, ye meri hai aarzoo....... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JU!!! Ahh Happy Birthday Nil's hope you guys are doing something special to celebrate your 26th Birthday in style. Let us know what you got up to. xxxxxxxxxx

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