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October 25th 2006
Published: November 25th 2006
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We didn't actually do much in Miami in the traditional sense of our trip so far. No tours, no deep sea fishing, no airboat rides over the Everglades dodging 'gators. No no. Instead we saw it as an excuse to chill out and live up the party lifestyle. We had more nights on it here than the rest of our trip combined.

First day we arrived to find that, while cheap, our hostel dorm wasn't really our vibe. We were in with seasoned travellers from the less developed regions of South America. On our first night we decided to do a recon mish on the area's nightlife...got about a block down the road before we clocked a quaint little Irish bar named playwrights and parked up! Several pitchers later and we returned to our hostel. This would continue for a few days before we decided that, although it was excellent value for money, we needed to move on from the place we were staying. We checked into the Tropics hotel, bonded with a group of like-minded youngsters and never looked back. But I'll get to "Los Muchachos" in a moment.

Our second day was very special to us, as
South beachSouth beachSouth beach

...bringin' the heat
it was the most English day that we've had since our travels began. The venue: Playwrights (again). Event: Man U vs Benfica. Table no: The bar. Hangover cure of choice: Traditional Irish sausage and bacon sandwich. Dialogue that followed directly after placing order:

Real Irish barmaid: Will that be all for yas?
Me: Is there going to be any room left in the frying pan?
Her: Well...yeah..
Me: Just as well throw and egg on, I 'spoz.

It arrived with home fries and a bottle of brown sauce, which I emptied over it before tucking in with no regard for the mess it made/spectacle I created. "Bleddy 'ansom" I said as I mopped up the spilled grease with the crust. Vegy concurred with a burp. Hangover gone. More beer please sweets. 2 thereof. We watched United best the opposition by a goal to nil (courtesy of Louis Saha) and in our enthusiasm got chatting to a fellow supporter, Mark from Norfolk. Before long we had sacked off our plans to scope the areas laundry facilities and were knocking back mojitos at a beach side bar named Clevelanders with Mark and his better half Dawn. Got to say, it's
Los MuchachosLos MuchachosLos Muchachos

ay ay ay!
nice being able to drop all your plans at any given point and get on the smash. Not much different to the uni days, only in more exotic, romantic locations. That evening we met up with Mark and Dawn again at a bar they reccommended called Jazid that played live music (good call, guys). There was great music and good atmos in there so a good night was had by all. Mark and Dawn, if you're reading this - and we will do everything in our power to make sure you do - God bless you both!

Los Muchachos

We hadn't long been at the Tropics hostel before los muchachos (the lads) was formed. It was a gang-tight group of beer-swilling men's men. The main group was Aussie rules enthusiast Andrew, English brothers Byron and Tobias and their close friend Tarin. There was also Sandro from Brazil, Daniel from Serbia and Montenegro and of course las muchachas, the girls of the group, who made the tea (joke). Muchos apologios para any inaccuaracies with spellings of names, amigos. Each evening we would play cards, get tanked then head out to nearby bars and leave Miami pungent with our stench. Long live Los Muchachos! Arriba! Arriba! Undele!

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


Veg, Leo + las muchachasVeg, Leo + las muchachas
Veg, Leo + las muchachas

Whose helmet is that?
Me on the beachMe on the beach
Me on the beach

Veg must have caught me off guard
Veg, Laura and Princess KathinkabellVeg, Laura and Princess Kathinkabell
Veg, Laura and Princess Kathinkabell

Laura bought me a my only birthday card this year. Kathinka is a real life Princess. Only one of these statements is true. You decide which one.
Los MuchachosLos Muchachos
Los Muchachos

Daniel, Andrew, Byron, Tarin, Veg and Sandro

25th November 2006

you guys-snif!
YEY!!!! heheheh yor still d cutest! MUAH!
1st December 2006

hello lads byron here good to finally see the blog loving it all so far, keeps me goin now im back into this shit reality bollocks. keep up the good work viva los muchasos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13th December 2006

I'm bored at work and I need something outrageous to happen on your trip to keep me going!
15th December 2006

Come on guys!!!
The stories are great but why have they stopped? Have you forgotten about all us little people you left behind?!! We are all waiting to live our lives to the full through your stories!!!!! Hope you have a brilliant christmas out wherever you are. xxxxxxxxxx
31st December 2006

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday Veg
Hi boys. Glad to hear you had such a good Christmas in the traditional (drunken) style that you're both so accustomed to! Have a very happy birthday Veg and a Happy New Year to both. With love, Crousers.

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