Sun, Sea and Scuba

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October 20th 2006
Published: October 20th 2006
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It's been a while since our last update, sorry about that! Life on the islands is a bit slower than the real world!

After leaving Bangkok we headed straight to Koh Phangan for the imfamous Full Moon Party, which was really crazy (basically a music festival on a white sandy beach, Thai-style). There were a lot of people passed out on the beach the next morning, Joanna and I were convinced we had poisoned ourselves drinking Thai whisky several days before, so we took things a bit slower and enjoyed the fire dancers and sloped home at a half-decent hour.

After leaving the party beaches of Haad Rin, we spend a week or so seeking out the perfect white sandy beaches from the brochures, which was harder than expected, most of them are so remote we had to get taxi boats to places where there were no roads. Still, absolute paradise once you got there compared to Haad Rin which was a bit like the Beenidorm of the east (although no where near Koh Samui, by the sounds of it). There's not much in between either full-on hedonism, or seculded bays with limited electricity during the day - so
Bottle Beach, Koh PhanganBottle Beach, Koh PhanganBottle Beach, Koh Phangan

The view from our beach hut - almost the perfect paradise, but we will keep searching...
we choose the latter and had a lazy week improving our tans, getting thorugh a vast library of book, and arguing over which two-letter words you are allowed in Scrabble. Very, very relaxing, but sometimes a little damp as Thailand treated us to days of beautiful sunshine with monsoon-style rain showers at night.

Four days ago we took a catamaran to Koh Tao in serach of more relaxation... which didn't happen. The temptation of unbeleivably cheap diving courses and the general vibe meant that we quickly signed up for our PADI open water courses... God knows why as Joanna can't even put her head under the water in the swimming pool! Possibly a disasterous move...

But worry not readers, we are here alive and well today as certified PADI divers (ie. we can now go diving to 18 metres on our own whenever the fancy takes us... a very scary thought). We have to thank Steve, our Dutch instructor, who managed to change us from terrified wrecks to half-decent (ie slightly wobbily) divers! We've had a great four days, and the atmosphere among our group has been really great. After a day learning to 'scuba' in the pool
After Our Last DiveAfter Our Last DiveAfter Our Last Dive

Sense the relief in our faces!
(ie. how to breathe, which was a useful skill we all agreed) they quickly got us into the sea and we had four forty minute dives over two days, the deepest to 18 metres. The dives themselves were amazing and we saw so many fish - some scary, some cute. The beautiful weather also helped as it meant that the visability was great and that the water was the calmest they had seen for months. We have to say we were still petrified on our last dive, not sure we'll every feel as confident as Steve wanted us to be - flipping ourselves off the side of the boat into a summersalt with a full tank on your back doesn't seem natural on your fourth ever dive, but hey - we did it!

Sorry, we couldn't afford the dive DVD (yes, we had a camera man with us!), but we promise to draw you all diagrams when we get back of us forward rolling into the water 'James Bond style' (cue music) and freaking out when massive maray eels set their beady eyes on us underwater!!

Bring on the Barrier Reef!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Haad RinHaad Rin
Haad Rin

View of the bay at Sunrise Beach, from our beach resort (tucked away from the noise!)

20th October 2006

everyone turns into their mother
Glad to get an up date on your travels and pleased to hear there was no unfortunate stingray incident. I assume you heard about Steve Irwin, James went to a fancy dress party as him shortly after. Not necessarily tasteful but certainly head turning. I have come to the conclusion that TravelBlog is the work of the Devil as it only serves to point out how dull and uneventful life back home is. So in retaliation I would like to point that on the third picture you have adopted a typical "Mums" pose; food in one hand with bizare gesturing and the classic eyes closed for the camera. Appologies to Wendy and Mum if she ever sees this but you both know what I mean, something of a Harris sister trait. Good luck with future travels and please feel free to report all bad weather, animal attacks, loss of luggage and any tropical diseases you may contract. Love Andrew Bitterdike. xxx
22nd October 2006

Are you receiving e-mails from us ,as Outlook Express seems to be sending lots back as undeliverable. Please let us Know.
22nd October 2006

Sunderland lost 2-1 A to Stoke midweek, but beat Barnsley 2-0 H ton Saturday, so are now hovering just above the relegation zone. Poor old Leeds have lost the last four, have no manager and Luton put 5 past them. Oh, dear. Well, that's the bad news out of the way, so how are you two clever divers spending the time now? I think you are very brave, as you know how uncomfortable I am in the water. Does it now mean you are allowed to go diving by yourself anywhere and any time? The view from your beach hut looks idyllic (sp), and if you are still searching for paradise......... what needs to be added? We are probably going to Lindsay's in early Nov, so we are busy collecting all her stuff to take to her new house. She still seems to be enjoying it, but is eating from knees, so the table is a must. All for now, let us know about e-mails.
22nd October 2006

Having foolishly not proof read my comment I did not notice the singular r and double p mistakes. As you read these before they are posted for others to see, could you please ensure that any future mistakes are corrected on my behalf, or did you miss them yourself? Raining here, bored to tears at work as the place is like the Marie Celeste. Love Andrew (still) Bitterdike
24th October 2006

sorry my emails don't seem to be getting through. i got an undeliverable message from you the other day too - you don't have a virus or anything do you, hotmail seems to be working? i will keep checking this site so that we can comunicate!yeah we can dive anywhere now, although not sure i will as just spent two days at dentist getting sore tooth sorted as it got worse after dive...woe is me!too much pressure down in the sea. got to say i'm not having much luck this holiday, but still having fun. had to come to koh samui to go to dentist...ick! its making us wish we were back on koh tao! only a week to go on thai visa no. 2 so we are reading up on malaysia for next week! re. searcing for paradise nothing needed to be added really, sometimes you just wish you could take the restaurants from some beaches to the next beach as they are so yum! xxxx
24th October 2006

sorry andrew
sorry andrew, i accept my smacked wrist!!everything is written is a bit of a blur in email cafes so that's my excuse!my sore tooth must be karma for having too much fun.dentists are even more depressing in thailand when everyone else is getting massages and sunning themselves! hope brighton gets cheerier now xmas is getting nearer!no xmas decorations yet? xxxx
24th October 2006

green with envy
reading latest adventures inspired envy and admiration inequal measure! Our e-mail does not seem to be working so other message is - orange still semm to be debiting joanna's account,please contact me. looking forward to seeing Andrew this weekend ans news today of poss get together at Portsmouth on 4/5 Nov. Keep searching for that perfect beach! love from me and Barney (just stayed for weekend)X
24th October 2006

Well done both of you on your scuba expertise, yet again the pictures look amazing. Very quick update harvest went fantastic - to quote one critic (ok a parent but I can dream) "That's the best harvest festival I've ever seen, the children really looked as if they were enjoying themselves." I shall be ruling the world by the time you make it home with my fandabydosy harvest festival/vegetable dance routine. Seems your dad has filled you in on football scores with the exception of the Conroy league, where Castleside have won 4 out of their 5 matches. Beating Burnhope 5-0!!!
28th October 2006

Hey Joanna (and James!). Looks like you're having a super fantastic time! Korea's beaches leave something to be desired compared to Thailand tho the people passed out on the beach does sound familiar...the tramps here really know how to party!Have been keeping an eye on your blog- gonna use it for travel tips after my year here is up so thank you! I have to admit I've followed in your footsteps, have a blog on Travelblog too- search Alexa Morton or Midget and I should come up- keep having fun and staying safe and I'll see you in Klute Christmas 2007!

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