My papaw can beat up your papaw

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October 15th 2006
Published: October 15th 2006
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Mamaw and PapawMamaw and PapawMamaw and Papaw

Thanksgiving dinner 2005- aren't they sexy?
I've been thinking about family a lot lately and grandparents in particular. This is what I've learned from my grandparents and also why they're cool cats:

Beer is the best marinade for steak
The orange twist is the key to an Old Fashion
There is nothing wrong with eating lasagna for breakfast
The ol' enema-bag-under-the-pillow trick is the best prank (fill it with water though...)
Jab an attacker in the eye until goo comes out- preferably with a house/car key
Papaw had brain surgery in the 50's- some lucky guy got to poke around in his noggin
They jitterbug
Mamaw wrote and published a book last year. It's called the Dark and Bloody Ground. Look here:
A pot of coffee a day keeps the doctor away
The stronger the coffee, the better the day
Milk and sugar in coffee is only for the weak
They taught me a lot about coffee
Don't pop firecrackers during a drought
A hoe is a good way to kill a rattle snake
An axe will work too
So will a cane
Mamaw kills wasps with her bare hands
Papaw can talk to cows
They built their house with the help of the family
It's underground
Their courtship would make a great movie: He was a resident doctor- she was an intern
Fun fact: when they went for their marriage license they discovered their mother's maiden names made an unfortunate combination: Lipps and Butts
They let the grandkids drive their cars around the ranch when we could reach the pedals
Driving a tractor is fun alternative until we were big enough for the cars
Wine and beer can substitute for a meal
If you don't squat right, you get pee on your shoes
Always carry toilet paper with you (this and the one above: very handy information at the moment)
Apple cake is best when it's doughy in the middle
Aloe can cure anything
Solvasorb can too
Pecans are good brain food
A fine toothed comb is the best way to get stickers off of shoes and clothes
They have a good recipe for moonshine
Egg and mayonnaise is a good hair conditioner
It's not cheating to buy a pie crust and bake the filling
We are related Colonel Sanders
A good teatherball pole can live through several grandchildren
Family is important- you outlive most of your friends
Friends are important- who else can you complain to about your family
Getting caught up in wealth and social circles is stupid
They have celebrated over 55 years of marriage- and they still flirt
Drink milk
Exercise your mind and body everyday

Grandparents are important. In Thailand, as in most cultures, grandparents are to be respected. They teach us the history of our family, the cultures we once came from, and the culture we live in now. Most of the subscribers on my list have met my Mamaw and Papaw- aren't they great? Feel free to share what you have learned from your family.


16th October 2006

addicted to your blog
Im from NZ and love the blog. We marinate our steaks in beer too- grandparents always have the best ideas...

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