in transit

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July 23rd 2004
Published: July 23rd 2004
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Hey everyone, becky here. We're all missing home, but we're thankful that we've at least got some sun, even if it is accompanied by torrential rain once a day.  We've been notified by a reliable source that the weather in Dalat is the worst in the country; during the bus journey, Charlotte realised she'd 'pulled' (in her sense of the word, rather than ours!) as the Vietnamese tour guide told her everything he knew about everything, and lots that we're sure he just made up. This theme continued as she was offered a massage by a local, who was sure he came both from Tottenham and fromn the Central area of Vietnam.  As to the weather, everyone's so thankful to be back in vaguely normal temperatures having arrived in Dalat this afternoon, especially after a 7 and a half hour bus journey on a non-air conditioned coach! Fortunately, there were frequent stops to the visit the happy room, but we soon found that these happy rooms were not up to the standard of some of the team members, as the floor was covered in water(?). After the mission up here, we headed out in groups to source accommodation and scran, and left our bags with the teachers and Mick.  We'll always know our bags will be safe with Charlotte, after she demonstrated her admirable street fighting skills! While this was going on, others from the group realised that Mick had hatched a dastardly plan to extend our two day trek to a three day expedition over the most mountainous region of Vietnam.  Luckily, this plan never came to fruition and we've booked a two day trek for tomorrow and Sunday. 
The itinerary now consists of two days spent hiking 'up and down and up and down and not much else' according to Mick, although the idea of that doesn't horrify any of us as much as the thought of two days of digging our own toilets with shovels while fighting off wild bears, and more worryingly, mosquitoes!  Most worried of all, however, is Ambika, as we plan to finish our trek in Chicken Village and given her mortal fear of our feathered friends, the prospects aren't good.  We're all looking forward to nicki's birthday, as we all firmly believe that the local guide will take pity on us and slow the pace to a stroll in honour of the auspicious occasion.  Following this, we're planning to return to Dalat by bus, then continue on to Nha Trang, where we have the dubious pleasure of a 12 hour overnight train journey to Hoi An, where we're sure we'll catch up with you.
Until then, we hope you're thinking of us during our 'adventure' as we leave you now to pack our bergens and get some much needed kip before our early start tomorrow.  Keep the comments coming, they're much appreciated and on the whole, quite witty!
Becky and all of Team 1 xxx


23rd July 2004

Ambika's Mortal fear of the feathered friends
I thought Ambika was scared of the ducks (dead ones) and not the chickens. We have been enjoying your journals immensely. Keep it coming and enjoy every moment of it.
23rd July 2004

Hi Guys
Hi everyone I just wanted to let you know that we're all thinking of you and are glad to hear that you're having a good time. Hope the trek goes well and that the blisters aren't to bad. Love from Faye
23rd July 2004

Hello everyone - good to be kept uptodate with your news - Didn't expect to hear from you "in transit"- pleased you're adapting to the local facilities - you wouldn't want things too easy, now would you? Let's hope the wildlife including the chickens behave themselves - you could always try charming/silencing them with your singing !! Good luck with the trek, Sheila
24th July 2004

happy bday!
hey nicki! jus wanted to wish u a happy bday! i hope u have/had a really good day (depending on when u get this). we have to do something when u get back k, cz im missing out on the celebrations!! hi to evreyone else too...hope your all ok, cant wait till u get back - im gettin pretty bored of my own company-lol. take care, mel xxxxxxx
24th July 2004

Sitting in an internet cafe in san francisco your experiences seem a world away! Good luck on the trekking phase. We'll log on eagerly to catch up with further instalments later in our trip. Love Andrew, Kate ,Mark and Nathan

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