Now for something completely different

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October 6th 2006
Published: October 6th 2006
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Today I did something that I never thought I would do. It's not something to be totally ashamed of, just a mild sensation of losing myself and the whole essence of what makes me me.

This whole adventure in itself is out of character for me, at least I think so. On my self evaluations I did every so often for the Statesman, the last question was always something similar to “Where do you see yourself in one year?” I'm pretty sure that my response was always sensible and practical. I know it always included improving my spelling and grammar, and I'm almost positive I threw something in about going back to UT for my MBA.

That makes sense. Those are things that people who have succumb to the Real World would think of. Maybe not spelling and grammar specifically, but the idea of improving yourself to achieve your career goals is fairly common.

I absolutely never imagined my answer would be: Well, Ellen (my boss), I need a change of scenery, but instead of paining a wall or rearranging the furniture, I think I'll chuck my job and lease my house and leave a great job and loving family and a great group of friends and fly across the world on a one way ticket to a place where I can't communicate or support myself and start all over again. That sounds like fun.

But even that is practical. At least I'm learning another culture and way of life. Today I just blew all that 'self-discovery-by-culture-assimilation' garbage. Remember that one blog I wrote a few weeks back about personal space and how uncomfortable I am when people don't respect my proverbial bubble? Well, let's just say I'm beginning to assimilate. So today I joined a spa. Don't get lost here, this is not a gym with exercise equipment and some sort of health benefit, that's different. This place is completely self serving and indulgent.

This came about when I discovered that I am only going to be teaching about 2 hours a day. I still have to hang around school and socialize, which is fine. They have Internet so I can socialize while staring at a screen.

But today I discovered a little oasis not even a two minute walk from the school. For a small fee I can go next door to this posh little relaxation haven and have a herbal sauna, a dry sauna, a message (that's the bubble popper- personal space out the door), a dip in the pool, or relax in the multi-station whirlpool. I have never seen a hot tub like this. They have the regular sit-n-soak if you want the jets to hit your back and legs. There is also a section for neck and shoulders, one for feet, and then the whole body.

I had a few hours to spare, so I did a little of everything. By the time I got back to class I felt like I had eaten a hand full of Valium. The kids seemed to enjoy my lackadaisical mood as well and we got along quite nicely. But I am going to have to re-instate mandatory nap times so Teacher Caroline can have a proper sauna coma sleep.

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whirl poolwhirl pool
whirl pool

It's turned off in this photo, but looks really nice when the jets are going

6th October 2006

First off, that looks absolutely beautiful and awesome and I really want to go there. Secondly, who knows where the hell they'll actually be in a year. I don't think my plans extended this long being a ski bum, but I'm going with it. That's the fun part of it all. Who knows where we'll be in another year. I can't wait.
6th October 2006

6th October 2006

good for you
sounds like a third world country popped your personal bubble. Good for them. By the looks of things you seem to be slacking on the spelling though.
9th October 2006

There's Just One Word For This
13th October 2006

Hi Pam!
Welcome the blog party- please keep your hands and feet inside at all times. Enjoy the ride!

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