Only 4 Weeks Until We Depart our Friendly City

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September 16th 2006
Published: September 16th 2006
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Enjoying DaeguEnjoying DaeguEnjoying Daegu

Taking time to appreciate this wonderful city before it's time to leave.
Wow! Time sure is flying by now. This week went by extremely fast!
It's kinda sad because it's taken our Korean teachers so long to warm up to us and feel comfortable having real conversations with us. The last few months we've all become closer and now it's time to leave. Amy, the head teacher, has told me this past week that she'll be getting married October 29th... only 2 weeks after we leave. She was hoping to have me and Brendan attend but we'll have already left. We both definitely would have LOVED to attend a traditional Korean wedding. Her fiance lives in another city, about 2 hours away, so she'll be leaving Ding Ding Dang a week after we leave and moving to her fiance's city.
This past May, 2 of our Korean teachers left and it took 4 months to find a new teacher to replace only one of them. Now they'll be in the same position they were in before this new teacher came once Amy leaves. I'm glad I won't be around... less korean teachers, more work for all of them, which equals some very grumpy korean girls.
I got to see the resume and picture
Palgong MountainPalgong MountainPalgong Mountain

Sure going to miss these babies!
of one of the new Foreign teachers that will be replacing Brendan and I. She's from B.C., Canada. Graduated from Simon Fraser as an English major. She has previous tutoring experience with Koreans and Vietnamese kids. Her picture makes her look quite friendly. I'm happy to know that my students will be in good hands once I'm gone.
I was having a conversation with Amy and our Director (who does NOT speak any english... Amy was translating for us). They both said that they prefer Canadian teachers over all the rest! GO CANADA!!! They said that Canadians are the most friendly and, from their experience, just go with the flow without any complaints. Just thought I'd share to all you Canadians how we're thought of😊
I told two of my classes that I'll be leaving in a month, which now I've realized I should just tell the rest of my young classes maybe a week before. I told a younger class yesterday, which most didn't seem to care except one girl, Laura, who seemed angry at me for the rest of the class. The young ones don't seem to understand why you have to leave and actually take it personally.
Seomun MarketSeomun MarketSeomun Market

Korean woman having a chain smoking break

I'm going to have parties with most of my classes my last day teaching them. Some of my classes I've only been teaching for a few months and haven't really formed any bonds.

My adorable kitten Koah is curled up on my lap right now while I'm typing, and everytime I look down at her I keep getting a tiny sample of the pain I'm going to feel leaving her behind for 4 months... it kills. Niall is very eager to have her so it makes me feel at ease she'll be in good hands, but it still hurts leaving her. I just have to keep reminding myself that 4 months is nothing compared to the rest of her life.

Well, it's Saturday morning and it's cleaning day since it's quite gloomy outside.
I better get to it!
Until next time...

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Traditional Korean GamesTraditional Korean Games
Traditional Korean Games

It looked too fun to resist, although I wasn't as good as the Korean ladies. You're actually supposed to be air born when your side goes up... we just weren't coordinated enough I guess:)

16th September 2006

The countdown continues....
Geeeee, Jessica, I can imagine how sad you must be feeling leaving your students and little Koah....I was pretty sad just reading your Blog! :>) The excitement of your travel will transform your mood, once your journey begins. Take it all in and enjoy your last four weeks! Love Mom
18th September 2006

Hey Jess looks like you are doing amazing out there. We still talk about you over here.. take care and keep posting messages. May the clouds part as you walk and there be wind at your back. Pavan

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