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May 9th 2015
Published: May 9th 2015
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It is funny the things that strike you when you're walking alone - sometimes struggling a bit and sometimes in deep thought on a flat stretch. On some of the slow-going hills I would pass a critter making its way across the path. As slow as the slug, snail or centipede were going they were managing to safely cross the path even though hundreds of boots were passing over them. It was as though letting me know that even if my pace wasn't as fast as I'd like, just keep moving and you'll get there.

I also passed flowers that brought me encouragement. Many reminded me of those in the gardens of Joan, Marilyn or Helen at Salmon Beach. As if to remind me of the support I have from my SB family back home. But the one that brought tears was the purple Iris just like the ones my mother used to grow. Mom has been gone almost thirty years but I prefer to believe she found a way to let me know she is proud of me and believes in my capabilities - there is no failing if you try, just more insight about strengths and weaknesses.

Thank you to my family and friends for your love and support. It means more than you know.


9th May 2015

You have a beautiful mind. Thanks for sharing your thoughts from the road.
11th May 2015

Beautiful words
This day's thoughts were beautifully written and brought tears to my eyes. Yes, I do believe your mother is watching and is so very proud of what you are accomplishing.
25th May 2015

i just discovered your journey notes. What a richness!

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