Iguazu National Park

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South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú
March 11th 2015
Published: March 11th 2015
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Day 15 (06 March) to Day 19 (10 March)

So leaving Buenos Aires, after watching a Tango show, eating steak and exploring the neighbourhoods, its not time to experience a long bus journey, I was advised to travel "Cama", so here goes. The bus journey up to Iguazu was very comfortable, my chair reclined the whole way back, it was like being in 1st class on an aeroplane. The snacks were strange but properly that's just me, (ham and cheese flavour cookies and pizza flavour ones). The main meal was alright (rice and chicken) the sides were again not to my taste but the fella sitting beside me was very excited when he saw I wasn't going to eat my desert pastry cake thing, so even though we didn't have a language in common, (I think he was from Japan) I made his day offering him my desert! After dinner, the curtains were all pulled closed so people could sleep, I could see flashes of light after a bit so I carefully pulled back the curtain and saw a lightening storm, it was very cool, the sky was a deep red/purple coloured and every few seconds a blot of lightening would appear. I watched the storm for a while before falling asleep. After a very comfortable sleep, (and a nice breakfast of sweet pastries, cookies and of course dulce de leche (a caramel kinda sauce that everyone eats here) with coffee) I arrived in Puerto Iguazu.

The country side is very green, with red dirt roads everywhere, it seems a very poor area for such a tourist attraction. My hostel is Hostel Park Iguazu, just two block from the bus station. The hostel is very clean with a lovely pool out the back. The hostel is not a very communal hostel, maybe I was just not there at the right time, but everyone seemed to hang out in there bedrooms. On Saturday I wandered around the town, its very small and not a lot going on, then when the heat got too much I went back to the hostel so a swim in the pool

Sunday morning I headed to Iguazu National Park, to see the waterfalls and nature. The storm that was due on Saturday, arrived on Sunday afternoon, so all day the sky was dull and I didn't see many of the birds, butterflies and other creatures people had told me about, I left the park around 3 pm just as the rain started, I revalidated my ticket so I could come back the next day for half price. On Monday it was a much nicer day, (hotter, but not as heavy), the sky's were bright and blue and the amount of butterflies and birds was amazing. Walking to the the different waterfalls I walked through clouds of butterflies, trees full of birds and even saw a crocodile, lizard and a turtle. The sound of the waterfalls, was thunderous, I really got to feel the great power of water. Some waterfalls fell from greats hight, into deep pools that flowed into the the main river, others seem not to have a bottom, and just crashed and rushed into each other then fell over the edge, down down and down. The clouds of water vapour from the collision of all the water, was a welcome cooling breeze as well as making rainbows with the sunshine.

It is truly a beautiful area, the only downside is mosquitoes, these seem to have gotten used to the taste of deet, or else are just super able to zone in on a tiny patch of skin I missed.

My next stop is back down south to Rosario.



11th March 2015

loving the blogs :-)
Hey you seem to be living it up hun glad your having amazing adventures and cultural experiences, your missed looking forward to next blog ;-)
11th March 2015

loving the blogs :-)
Hey you seem to be living it up hun glad your having amazing adventures and cultural experiences, your missed looking forward to next blog ;-)

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