5 Days!

North America
August 28th 2006
Published: August 28th 2006
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Getting ReadyGetting ReadyGetting Ready

Getting Ready
It is so hard to believe that I leave in 5 Days. It really does seem like this journey is a lifetime in the making. As we grow closer to my departure I'm having trouble sleeping and getting a bit nervous. I'm nervous and excited about the cultural differences and the language.

As most of you know, I've been assigned to the Wawa Wasi (Wawa = Baby and Wasi = House, in Quechua) is a community initiative to provide daycare services for families living in extreme poverty. In most cases the caretaker lends a room in her home to be used for educational and recreational activities for some 9 infants and children aged 9 months - 4 years. The government provides some educational materials and hot meals for the children as well as a small stipend for the caretaker. Wawa Wasi is run entirely by the community. I'm told the caregiver makes on average $40 per month!

They say that my job is to facilitate educational and recreational activities, including good practices in sanitation and primary health care, for infants and children aged 6 months-3 ½ years, as well as for their caretakers. Other activities include playing with the kids, teaching educational games, helping to feed the children and putting them to sleep.

In the afternoons I'll also be working at an nursing home.

I've really been trying hard with my spanish but I've finally realized that I'm just not going to get any better!! Even when this trip is over and I get back home I plan on continuing with the Spanish. Maybe I can take a class! I've made some corny posters to take with me to use with the children. With the help of my friend Alexis she I was able to get them printed on large paper and I'm going to laminate them before I leave. Hopefully this will help with some basic English words.

My flight leaves on Saturday afternoon from BWI to Atlanta and then from Atlanta to Lima, Peru. I land in Lima at 10:30 PM and I get to hang around the airport until I need to meet to pickup my tickets for the next flight at 6 AM! I should be in Ayacucho by 7:30 AM on Sunday morning desperately needing a shower and some sleep!

Apparently this town that is one of the poorest in all of Peru has an internet cafe not far from the volunteer home base. I hope to update this blog each day. We'll see how that goes!


29th August 2006

Bon Voyage!
Be sure to add to this blog as often as you can. I am looking forward so much to your updates. I know this will be a once-in-a-lifetime, and life changing type of experience. I'm very proud of you. Love, Mom
29th August 2006

Here you go
C. I'm signed up to automatically receive your entries. So breath deep and off you go on quite an adventure. My thoughts are with you all the way.
29th August 2006

Good Luck
Christie- We are praying for you to have a safe and wonderful trip. You are braver than I am. PLEASE be careful!! I look forward to getting updates and to talk to you when you get back!
29th August 2006

see ya
i am going to miss you, i am going to look at this every day when i come home from school
3rd September 2006

Hi Christie--I have been thinking about you a lot since your departure yesterday wondering how things were going at various times of the day and night. You must be exhausted at this point. I wonder if you will have the time to unwind before the work begins. Be careful and I too will be checking the page every day.
11th September 2006

Good Job!
I am so proud of you for having the courage to fulfill something so important to you. The children and people's lives you touch will never forget you. I love you and be careful!

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