Go West!

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June 3rd 2012
Published: June 3rd 2012
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So here we are. It's nearly 9 months since i first started my application and it's finally here. I'll be spending 11 weeks in Carmel Valley, California. The only thing that i know about the place is that Clint Eastwood was once Mayor or so I've been told with many a 'do you feel luck punk' quotes coming out.

With all my packing done it was time to have a celebration of an early birthday, diamond jubilee and leaving BBQ. It was a fitting send off with half decent weather, good food and good company! A special thanks to firstly Devvo, Coach and Deano for coming down for the weekend and secondly to Mum and Dad for organising it and thirdly everyone who came!

So this is it i hope to keep you entertained and interested through out my time away!




3rd June 2012

Where Is The Love?
So, let me be the first to say like have a dope time in California x
4th June 2012

Have a lovely time!
Be good and have fun. Mummy will miss her little soldier! xx

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