Back to Koh Lipe...this is still the best island in Thailand!!

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April 16th 2012
Published: April 22nd 2012
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We spent only one night onland in Koh Lipe. So on this entry, you won't see any diving this is our next entry.

We came here in May 2011 and at the time I had only one regret...not to have discovered Koh Lipe earlier. I was also scared that Koh Lipe would be on a fast track to become another ugly Phi Phi development. Rest re-assured...nothing much has happened yet....and that's great news. Koh Lipe is still by far my prefered island in Thailand.

This is also Tiffany first visit to our little paradise. We came here a month before she started to join us in Bangkok. Imagine, in just over a month, it will already be one year...time fly!

Koh Lipe is special to us, not only for the scenery, not for the diving, but for the people. Our little "Koh Lipe family" is running the Forra Bamboo resort and dive center. The only place where you want to go.

Antoine, a "Monsieur de la plongee" (translation: Diving Monsieur) is running the place. Don't worry, if you don't understand, it just means you don't dive. But this place wouldn't have a soul without the family, the Team! I name Mercedes, Francois, Sergi, Flo, the 3 musketeers (Lou, Lucas and Cyril), Brad and all the local staff. And hopefully next time, we'll meet Valerie!

We had our usual huge bungalow. The kids love the place.'s called bamboo resort for a's built in bamboo! So here you are back to nature, without aircon, without hot water...and yes, it's cheap.

We spent our Sunday doing...nothing...yes, it's Sunday! We entered Thailand with the speed boat from Langkawi, so we had first to wait for our passports at the hut...aka, the immigration hut!

Lunch was at Forra, dinner at Zanon...the food on Koh Lipe is simply amazing...seafood time, Chang time bills, great moments. We spent our evening at the bar of Forra....speaking of usual. One day I plan to spend some serious time here. You can stay connected to the world as internet is available, but beside this, it's pure relaxation.

The island was actually already empty of his tourists. End of Songkran, we arrived on the 15th April...and most tourist were gone. Our next visit to Mercedes is already plan for either December 2013 or February everything else before that is already filled with other travelling plans.

The next entry will be one to remember. But I've got way too many pictures to put in a single blog, so for the ease of it, I've decided to separate Koh Lipe...and our next adventure.

I've got only one regret, I found out I don't have a single pic with Mercedes, Antoine and Sergi together....that's simply not acceptable and will need to be corrected for our next visit.

Guys, love your team, love the place....keep going...

For my fellow TB members. I would not send my parents here. Forra is for the active youth...going for a pee in the middle of the night can get tricky....and on the diving resort dive here....diving with Forra is not a leisure, it's a sport...a sport of passion, of friendship...but an adventure sport...get here to improve your diving skills...and if you are fussy, don't come!

Thanks Mercedes for everything...Antoine, I'll than you in my next entry!

Some dream their life...I live my dreams...wish I could go back to Lipe next week!

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22nd April 2012

Oh how I envy your life!
Another fantastic blog! Glad to see you are living the dream

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