Bobby's Burning Bobby's Burning

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May 29th 2006
Published: May 29th 2006
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Hiya everyone!! Great to hear from you all as always and we hope you all had a great bank holiday weekend.
Well we left Lop Buri in one piece despite another monkey incident which resulted in Bobby running and screaming into a shop, nearly knocking the manaqin over and screaming again at the sight of a dog in the shop which she thought was another monkey?!?! We went to Sukhothai and we had our first proper cooked meal in that guest house. Our room had a TV and so we enjoyed watching Thai TV in the evenings. We also had a nice little pet lizzard our two days there in our bathroom called 'Lobby the Lizzard" but I think I killed him acccidently on our last day with the bug spray.
In Sukhothai we went to the 'Old City' (13th century) on rented bicycles (30p for the day)- loads of old temple ruins (as you can see from the pictures the world is still a deserted place). But becuase of the malaria tablets-Boby has become very sensitive to sunlight. Despite putting on 4 lots of suncream in a short space of time - she felt like she was on fire! None of the toilets had running water but luckily the security guard let bobby use his hose in his toilet which cooled her down for a while. We now know that long sleeves tops are the answer! Then bobby manged to get the chain off the bike so it wouldnt work but then a huge group of people (about 20) stopped their cars and came over with screwdrivers etc. and mended it! We also now star in their home movies!
As well as bobby burning, I am the bobby that is bitten. So far i have 27 big bites and I am still counting. I spray everything under the sun on me to prevent getting bitten unlike bobby, but i guess i am just unlucky!
We are now in Kampheng Phet at a lovely jungly guest house (see picture) with a big TV (with some english channels!!). Today we went to their historical park (see pictures) which had more lovely ruins of temples (15th century).
We are planning now to go to Lampang next for a couple of days and then onto Chang Mai.

It is lovely to hear from you Grannie, and it is great to see that you are becoming a computer whizz. Have a great time in Scotland and take some photos/draw some pictures.

Also feel free to put our pictures as your wallpaper. It would brighten up your day!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


29th May 2006

Sunstroke & Bites!
I suppose it's in the genes - getting too hot in the sun and getting covered in bites - I certainly know those feelings!! Those places look great though - so I guess it's worth it? I can recomment using your pics as wallpaper on your P/Cs - they brighten up the day - and you can chance them often too! Can't wait for the book - "Around the World for £80" .
29th May 2006

message with love
Hi girls! You are getting to some fabulous places - Ill have to read up about them. Oh dear those blessed monkeys - not friendly, Take carebut so kind of the local people to look after you. Yes Bank Hol here Went to visit a garden at Streatham yesterday = very pretty and luscious cake for tea. Glad youve had a hot meal at last Hoping to go the Tate Mod todayLife goes on here too, Love G.
29th May 2006

Life as we know it ?
There does seem to be a human life form in the Hut ? Or is it a bobby ? According to the news you are in one of the most densely populated areas of the world - where are they all ??
29th May 2006

No people again!!!!
Dear Bobby and Bobby congratulations on continuing the "no other people in your pictures" photos. You must be getting up extra early to miss all the other tourists at these historical sites! Jimmy and Jimmy send their love. I have just released them from a weekend of DIY at my house and Jimmy is now an expert at plastering, whilst Jim is a dab hand at Painting. Keep the info and photos coming and do try not to get too many bites. All that sitting down watching TV may be making you a prime target, so you have to cut down on your viewing in order to avoid being bitten. Take care. Speak to you soon. Richard, Teri and the 2 Jimmy's.........
29th May 2006

Yes it is me too that always gets the bites. Your pictures are fab. Are you taking the train to move up country? Love Ying xx
30th May 2006

Bug Bites
I use Savlon Spray or cream or Dettol effectively on mosquito bites for other bites which refuse to go away, I use anti-histamine (?) cream, but they still 2 or three days to stop itching. STOP SCRATCHING Keep sending the photos, but most of all, ENJOY!! Cuz
1st June 2006

Greetings from Manila
Hello girls, I love your photos. The ppl here use a lotion called 'Off' to defeat the mozzies, they just wipe it on wrists and ankles at 5pm, it lasts 5 hours. Drink litres of water, it helps you stay cool and gives you nrg. I put 50 sunblock on and still get fried, best stay out of the sun. Can you advise your complete itinerary?
1st June 2006

Bites - chapter 6.
Lovely photos again - especially love 'SuperBobby'!! (That's the one of you Bobby at Kampheng Phet with what looks like a pair of pants over your trousers superman-style), and also am very envious of the jungly hut. Have you tried the citronella on your skin to keep the biting beasties away?? One of the tubes I put in the first aid kit was anti-histamine cream (ref John's comment). And keep covered up if you can bear to. xxxxxx

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