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April 6th 2011
Published: April 6th 2011
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Weather here not too hot today. Very changeable all day.
Spent the morning shopping at the local shops. Bought a new wireless printer, another extension socket, some small knick knack items and ordered a small cross cut shredder.
The location of the new printer is no-where near where we use the pc on the dining table. It is connected through the Wi-Fi router that is installed for the internet. Laptop did not initially want to connect to the printer, but we persevered and it eventually worked and we are now up and running.
The set up here is very different to what we had at home. A lot more digital than we are used to, but we are slowly getting used to it.
Our lucky mascot is here. He is a lucky Buddha we purchased at Christmas from the market here in Tenerife. He has successfully given us good luck on the premium bonds this month.
Only thing we have not set up yet is the Wii. Looking forward to seeing how Mario looks on a 42” TV. He is going to look very big.
The recent changes the landlord has made to the water heater seem to have stopped it from heating the water. Theresa had another look at it and put it back to its original setting and the water soon started to heat up. Baths and showers will have to wait until tomorrow though. It’s a good job Theresa is here to sort this out as George doesn’t have much idea with that sort of things.
We have decided we need to buy a new set of Suzuki left hand drive headlights which are required to legally drive on the road here at night. We are going to source these ourselves and Ebay the lights taken off the car on our next UK trip. We also need to buy a spare set of bulbs for the car. That, with the two breakdown triangles and reflective jackets, should mean we have no unpleasant encounters with the Canarian National Police. All our driving documents must be in the car whilst you are out and about.
We have two weeks banked with our time share company. We have started to look and plan a three week holiday in the Caribbean, probably a cruise.
Good news, we are now receiving post okay now from UK and elsewhere.
We have almost been here for a week now and it’s great. We are now catching up fast on all things admin etc.
New TV system working perfectly now so we are in touch with the outside world more now.


6th April 2011

Glad to here you are both well and enjoying your new start. X

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