'Cause I'm a Super Model!

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October 3rd 2010
Published: October 11th 2010
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Not too humble!Not too humble!Not too humble!

I would have gone if I could have actually found it.
This is a frightening thought, but I may be the most photographed person in all of China!!! In my first few days here, I kept catching people taking pictures of me on the sly, and when I looked at them I noticed them waving but thought they wanted me to get out of the way. That all changed today, though when I visited the Forbidden City with about 300,000 Chinese tourists. Being tourists themselves, they were not nearly as subtle, so some asked shyly/politely and other just grabbed my arm and pulled me into their photos. So, I'm guessing in a rough estimate that I was in 25 pictures with people today (and another couple hundred where I didn't know I was in the picture). Crazy! I'm just worried that my drab travel fashion sense is going to catch on and we're going to have a flashback to the 60s and 70s, only this time it will be khaki instead of green!

Okay, I'm off to catch my first train. The train station should be a mad house as it's the the Sunday night after a 3-day national holiday. I hope I make it out alive (and with a good
Beijing w/o smogBeijing w/o smogBeijing w/o smog

It rained last night, so here's what it looks like on a good day (compare with the pic from my first post).
story or two)!

Additional photos below
Photos: 3, Displayed: 3


An ill placed signAn ill placed sign
An ill placed sign

I just thought this was funny. I was at the temple for an hour, and they burned in excess of 500lbs of incense while I was there.

6th October 2010

What's wrong with Khaki
Beijing is beautiful without smog and it makes your khaki show up more. Great sign! Keep the entries coming---they're great! mom
2nd November 2010

You are totally famous and stuff. I've been looking through the photos and they are friggin spectacular. You have seen so many amazing things already. Nathan is talking right now over my shoulder asking you to post pictures of Egypt. When are those coming? We love and miss u.
4th November 2010

I miss you guys too! As for Egypt, you'll have to wait a bit for those. I'm not slated to hit the Middle East until April :) I will try to keep the good pics coming for you, though. I actually have another blog post written already, but I'm trying to find a computer where I can upload my pics.

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