The Audacity of Hope

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October 2nd 2010
Published: October 11th 2010
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The Audacity of HopeThe Audacity of HopeThe Audacity of Hope

Find the yellow line . . .
Okay, here goes with my first blog post ever.

I'm two and a half days into my adventure and I'm still alive, so that's a great start. The first thing that needs to be said, which I'm sure most everyone has heard before, is that the smog here is crazy! I feel like I'm walking around in a meat smoker - like I'm a walking piece of human beef jerky. For anyone who watched Seinfeld, it feels like that episode where Kramer locked himself in his apartment for a week smoking cigars and came out looking like he'd aged a decade.

Now, as for the title of this post, I just need to say that the Chinese seem to be a very hopeful people, especially when they are driving. They are willing to give just about anything a shot on the off chance it gets them to their destination about 3 seconds sooner. My best examples so far both came on a trip I took to the Great Wall yesterday. The road was one lane each way, and on more than a handful of occasions, we were four cars wide all heading in the same direction!!! At one point
Outside the Forbidden CityOutside the Forbidden CityOutside the Forbidden City

Outside the Forbidden City
our bus literally passed three cars by driving in the shoulder on the opposite side of the road! And for photographic proof of how bad thing got, check out my first photo and notice where the yellow line is and the cars to our left!!!

For the rest of the post, I'll just add a few pics from around Beijing and the Great Wall. Here's hoping this all posts well.


Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


The Summer PalaceThe Summer Palace
The Summer Palace

The Summer Palace
Andy on the Great WallAndy on the Great Wall
Andy on the Great Wall

Proof that I made it!

2nd October 2010

I love it!
Andy, all that you've posted so far is a great start! keep up the blogging, I love it! safe travels, Kerry
2nd October 2010

Andy, I love the idea of your blog as it makes it so easy to follow your travels!-----and the pictures turned out great. I can't wait for the next i entry. Love, Mom
2nd October 2010

This is very cool. Can you imagine the smog if just 30% of the population has a car.
3rd October 2010

Cool post
Hey Andy, keep us posted, look forward to reading more.
3rd October 2010

Andy, excellent stuff. can't believe you were on the Great Wall for your bday. That beats New Years 2007 in Veracruz! Keep 'em coming. On a side note, welcome to the true developing world when it comes to traffic.....
6th October 2010

Crazy... we were living in LA just a few weeks ago and now you are already on the other side of the world hanging out on the Great Wall of China! It all came so quickly! Looking forward to your updates. Travel Safe!!!
10th October 2010

You are living the dream!
Best wishes to your travel adventure. You take great photos and are really an inspiration for others to get out there and see the world and appreciate different cultures.
5th December 2010

I received only one blog but would enjoy the others so I acan travel the world also. Grandma,

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