Sloths, monkeys, and tucans Oh MY..


So I am back n manuel antonio. well atleast I was I am heading to Uvita and Dominical today. But yesterday I was up at about 8 to head down to the national park and look around it forest. Loaded with my Murse(man purse) a towel and of course the heavy duty bug spray, which subsitutes as deoderant down here. Nothing like the aluring oder of some 50%deet to bring those crowds in. Either way I catch the bus to the beach shell out my 240 colones and ride out. Once at the main beach you take the first left to head toward the park entrance...if you can figure out which left it is follow the big signs that say NATIONAL PARK, should be a no brainer. Its about a mile down the road to the main entrance. Entrance fee will be 10dolla or 5400 colones...bring colones they accept and prefer there currency.

You can get a tour guide if you want the ease of spotting out the creatures, or you can do what I did and somehow show up when the tour guide is pointing it out for someone else. Either way I prefered with out the guide. In the park I took the very first trail to the left away frm the hoards of 'people in front of me. Grabbed a walking stick that was leaned on a sign. The forest is thick with greenery and trees but had a different feel then the cloudforest..more humidity and skeeters I suppose. Still a wonder. Walking I saw SLoths, monkeys, iguanas, toucans, racoons, and something that looked like mastershredder frm the ninja turtles (a huge overly grown rat). about 2 miles upthe trail there is a nice little water fall that you can chill by and play in before returning back down the trail.

Further up the main path it lead to the beach that sorta popped out of the forest. There I watched devious racoons hijack peoples lunches and monkeys throwing bottles at other people. But I moved on up the trail to a more remote beach and chilled for a while with this iguana, who was cool till I tried to pet it...then he dipped. All in all that day I spent frm 9 till about 3 and walked about 10miles. Fun, relaxing, and peaceful.

When I got back to Vista Serrena We went out to aqua azul for some food. I had to get this burger I was told about...this thing was HUGE...the size of my head. But freaking amazing. Good conversation and offending the people next to us with our lude poo remarks at the dinner table we headed out.

My night ended by candle light watching the sunset, playing cards, and dranking some guaro


21st June 2010

Sounds like a great day. Thank you for publishing your daily trips dad and I enjoy reading them love you
21st June 2010

Party on
Glad you got the blog goin on. You know I'm an avid reader...evern got the kindle...but anyway, good reads and good to keep up wit ya...i worry about my brothers when they in the third world. I can't wait for next year tho, homie. Shit we might have to get some good camping in again in TN this year!

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