The Camel Safari

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April 3rd 2010
Published: April 3rd 2010
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Steph sadly got the 'Delhi Belly' the day we were due to go on our camel safari so I had to decide whether to go on my own. I did as I knew another guy from the evening before that was going on his own too. It turned out that it was a small group of four with a couple from Singapore making up the numbers.
We took a jeep out into the desert. The landscape was baron and there seemed to be nothing for miles. We stopped at several places along the way including an area where the rock was covered in fossils of sea creatures. Apparently the site used to be a massive oasis...It definitely didn't look that way now!! After a stop to see the groom at a traditional India wedding and for the driver to shout at some goat farmers we pulled up to a group of waiting camels.
We climbed on board and the camels stood up, a bizarre motion that left you half hanging over it's head as they got up back legs first! We were then on our way. After around an hour and a half's ride me made it to 'camp'. This was long enough as they were the most comfortable of animals!! We watched the sun set over the dunes before been fed with some small fried snacks sort of resembling prawn crackers before our meal of vegetables, rice and ciapattis. After turning down seconds about 6 times the men finally accepted we were full and tucked into their dinner!
It was then time for bed! We were shown to our blankets where we were told. 'You lie on this, this goes over you, your bag is your pillow. Night.' they left us to it!
The 'bed' wasn't as uncomfortable as I'd thought and the moon was so so bright it was rather peaceful! The morning came soon enough and we rose to a disgusting breakfast of 'porridge', toast and masala tea (nothing like Tetley's!) It was then back on the camels to get to the jeep which took us back to the hotel and a much needed shower!


3rd April 2010

sounds like a pretty exciting time ! Have fun and I hope Steph's delhi nelly has improved.
5th April 2010

Camel Safari
I can't believe you did it on your own (or rather with a new friend) how brave of you. It's an amazing sensation isn't it when the camel gets up! (I rode one in Teneriffe with Uncle John, ~Grandad and Aunty Joyce declined) Another wonderful experience for you and I am so proud of you. love Gran xx

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