Camino Countdown

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March 27th 2010
Published: March 27th 2010
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Well, its the final couple of days before Wal and I fly out for Paris and then make our way by train and bus to St Jean Peid de Port. The last week has been mildly frantic. At some stage on Friday yet another person came to me to do some little thing that wouldn't take long! I asked how he felt being the 56th person that day who thought he had a really good reason to stop me going on leave. Still didn't get away till after 5.30pm.

Travel Bookings

Stopped procrastinating and got the final bookings done for the train and bus from Paris to St Jean on the way in, and on Eurostar from London to Paris. Discovered that I can get from Gare Nord to where I am staying by bus without any changes - really pleased with that.

The Pack

Also played around with what I was planning to carry, and took about 3kg off the total weight. Might be able to take some more out after we get through the Pyrenees, and I am more prepared to risk not having thermals and a full fleece top.

Final Walks

This weekend is the Canberra Two Day Walk weekend, so I had planned to use the two walks as my last preparation walks. Did the marathon walk today - hard yards, especially in the afternoon when it reached the high 20s.

When I got back, everyone seemed to be expecting me to be really pleased. I suppose I was, but all I really wanted to do was get home and have a hot bath. The person on the registration desk wanted me to wait until a committee member was available to present me with my medallion. I didn't have the heart to tell that I didn't really care who gave it to me.

Caught up briefly with an older walker who did his second Camino in 2008, and whose sister is on the Camino now. It gets to be a small world. He wished me 'Buen Camino', and I hope so too.

Tomorrow will be the last long walk here before I start the Camino, then there will be a couple of days rest while we are travelling.


27th March 2010

Happy treking
Just wanted to wish you all the best. Break a leg does not fit this situation but I wish you just as much luck. Do not actually do it though! Have fun and I will be watching your progress.
2nd April 2010

All the best, Doug, hope it goes well. Steady walking and safe travels. Jim & Monika

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