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January 12th 2010
Published: January 12th 2010
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You all have waited so patiently for an update so thanks for hanging in there with us. It's been quite the adventure just getting to Sydney. Kailey and I are what they're calling "Survivors of BA9". During the delay in London, equaling 35 hours of waiting, then finally flyng for 21 hours, I can honestly say that we almost went insane. And let me tell you, nearing the brink of insanity is frightening. We hadn't slept for hours or had a decent meal let alone a shower. It was all kinds of bad! Trying to look on the bright side though, we met lots of new people. Even made some friends!! While we all waited what else can we do. Eugene and Bill, two Irishmen, provided the comic relief tha we desparently needed. Kailey and I took our very first London taxi ride with them to the hotel British Airways put us up in. It was pretty fun considering it was at 4:00 in the morning. The entire plane cheered when we finally lifted of the ground (@ 1 am Jan. 8th). It was a long time coming!
Cody of course beat us there. We had no way of letting him know that we'd be arriving a day later but luckily, w/ Facebook, the word got out there. Thanks to everyone's help. We finally were reunited with Cody and our trip together began.
We are currently in Bondi right next to the beach. It is stunning!! Beautiful weather, clear water and amazing scenary. We are staying in a hostel close to the beach. It was actually where my cousin Bryn stayed while traveling here. They even remembered him! We swam in the ocean yesterday and soaked up the sun.
We bought a 7 day pass that allows us to use the transit (bus, train or ferry) in and around Sydney. Our plan is to use that up as much as we can and then start heading up the coast.
The internet has been hard to come by since we've arrived but I am hoping it won't be as long til the next post! Thanks for checking in.....until next time, cheers mate!


12th January 2010

I can hardly wait to hear the details of your London delay :) Good thing you two packed extra underwear!
12th January 2010

wow glad you made it I was really scared! how I wish I could be in a sunny place right now !!!!!! love ya lot's cass
12th January 2010

Hi, I'm REALLY glad you got to Sidney saftly!!!!!!!!! Have you met any boys yet?? I was just kidding about not getting togeather with any!!! You would just have to come down to visit if you stayed up there!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU LOT'S Callie T T F N !!!! ( TA TA FOR NOW)

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