Why With the Kids - The Biggest Question

South America
December 28th 2009
Published: January 27th 2010
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Why with the kids?

Was one of the most common questions we were asked prior to and during our trip...
“Why with the kids? - the kids will not remember it anyway...”
“Why now? - wait until the kids grow and then travel alone...”

The only answer to all of these questions is quite simple - we are primarily traveling for ourselves. Because we LOVE to travel!

With this perspective in mind, it does not really matter if the kids will remember anything from the trip, or not...
Let's not forget, once we have decided to become parents, we face two alternatives - travel with the kids or, on the other hand, not travel at all. Traveling without the kids is not a real option, at least for us. Yes - we can and should take a short vacation without the kids (perhaps even as long as 10 days...), but this is not "heavy" traveling like we like. This is vacation, and we have indeed done this before.
As we LOVE to travel, we opt the option of traveling with the kids.

But, it is not only that we love to travel that govern this. We truly believe that the love for travel, for adventure, for explorations is a value that we would like to share with our kids. So, for us, it is a way of life, just like for others being vegetarian is a way of life, or electing to leav in the countryside Vs. the city. Again, if you view it the same way as we do, the question of the kids memory is not relevant any more - this is a way of life, rather than just an adventure to remember on the way.

Even if you do not agree with the above, you would probably agree that the statement that the kids will not remember anything is incorrect. True, they might not remember the names of all the places they have been to (and that is no different from me, as I myself tend to forget most of the names, probably even faster than they do...). They might even not remember each and every exciting activity they have done throughout the trip. Nevertheless, I am sure that this trip will make a mark on their future personality, their knowledge base, their behavior or in general who they will become as individuals.

• First, they are polishing their Spanish as well as English;
• They are learning a lot about nature (mountains, animals, amazon basin etc.) throughout an active and fun learning-process, which is way more recordable than any other type of “school-study”;
• They are facing difficulties that in “regular” life they would not have been exposed to and learning how to cope with them - such as being patient or adjusting to changes in plans and in real time;
• They are experiencing more the need to learn other subjects, such as math, as they see the use of it in real life, such as computing different currencies & exchange rates, planning travel time and more;

Yet and above all, we truely believe that at least our two older kids will remember major parts of the trip , for the rest of their lives.

Let's not forget, if we should wait until our kids grow up, it means we should wait until we grow older - but then maybe we will not have anymore the strength, good health nor the opportunity to do this kind of trip; And - big kids need their parents just as much as younger ones do - so we would also not be able to leave them behind, and travel alone. Or, if our kids could go without us, we might get to the stage in life when you start raising your parents (mom & dad - no offence, it is just the way nature goes, you know this better than anyone else).

Beyond all of the above - maybe there are things that cannot be explained in words, it might seem spiritual to some of you, but the truth is we have felt that the timing is the best and most appropriate timing for us. We felt that this trip should be done now - or never . We felt that this is the best timing to fulfill our mutual very old dream of stepping aside from the train of life and build a unique adventure and a one in life-time and a memorable voyage. I was very tired and needed a break after working VERY hard in the last 10 years, juggling (fairly succesfuly, I think - or at least this is what people told me) between a very demanding career with lots of business travel, and the family life, including raising 3 young kids. Tal, though have already enjoyed a partial break in our last 2 years in Spain, needed some more time, also to get his thoughts organized, think about what he would like to do next and gain powers for the next 15 years (or more - ) of work that is still awaiting us.

After more than 4 months on the road we are happy to find that our dream is possible and coming true. We are discovering that there are additional benefits to this trip, that we did not imagine or thought about. Our kids are maturing up, they are taking responsibility and learning what it means to be responsible, careful. What is the meaning of planning. They are learning to work together as a team and perform together. They are learning to share - They have very little toys or personal belongings and they have to share everything or take turns.

We are also learning, getting to know our kids better, learning to be teachers, learning how to spend lots of time with each other and still make sure it is interesting and challenging and above all - loving and enjoyable!

Does having the kids with us make the trip different - YES! I am sure it is. And I must admit that sometimes we wish the kids were not with us for that day - such as when we want to go out in the evening to a show or a casino, other times, its when it is too hard for the kids - like we have to carry Shachar for a certain portion of a trek. Yet, we would not give up on the advantages of traveling with them!

We all have just one life - we have to use it to fulfill our dreams, not to find excuses that prevents us from this fulfillment!


With tons of support from Tal, my husband which is not just T-H-E partner (and not only for this dream trip) but also the one that reads and review all my entries, adds and corrects them with a lot of patience, and as many of you know - takes most of the beautiful pictures we publish.


27th January 2010

Don't worry we never wondered "Why the Kids?" it is more like what an enormous amount of energy and will power y'all (as they say here!)have. As I have said before -I work in the public schools..what you are doing for your children is more powerful than any school 'setting' could provide.. totally awesome!! Pam and Co.
27th January 2010

Although there is no new pictures shown, although there is no new places described, although there is no new stories or incidents told, although there is no special food presented nor new colors or smells........it is DEFINITELY the most touching and deepest blog you ever published... I almost cried reading it. I'm so happy I have the privilge of having such a family (brother, syster-in-law and Nephews)....I'm proud of you!!!! Much love and Kisses Adi
28th January 2010

To My Beloved Brother!
Although we are talking twice a week, although we write e-mails each other every day or two, it was definately a very touching comment and so important for us to know how you - as well as others - think of us deep inside. Thank you for sharing your deepest feelings and thoughts with us and the forum - I [as well as your syster-in-law and Nephews] - truly appreciate that! Much Love too, Tal
2nd April 2010

No need to defend
I enjoyed your entry very much. I am sorry you felt the need to defend any of your decisions. I have often had to defend my decisions to live and travel abroad and mostly think that those asking the questions need to open their minds a little and think outside the box for once in their lives. We each makes decisions for ourselves and if others don't understand that's fine, they don't need to. As far as I know, travel and living abroad has done all the things you mentioned above, it has made me more patient, made me appriciate different cultures and lives and respect nature and others. It has given me a zest for life I would not have otherwise found. Travel is my reason for existing and I should not have to defend it, nor should you. Thanks for your entry
16th May 2010

Well Said
As a divorced father who often travels alone with my daughter since she was a baby, I completely understand what you are saying. I think it is great what you are doing. Keep on travelling and doing what you are doing and maybe our paths will cross one day...it's a small world

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