Idyll Time

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September 2nd 2009
Published: September 2nd 2009
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Dated 8/22/09
There are moments that are essential to take in completely, that are so wonderful that just grasping them for a second can sustain you for a good long time. The moment is perfect. Food for the soul and all that sort of corny stuff. We have just backpacked in about 6 miles or so in 4+ hours. 9 people, 3 dogs and 2 goats. We were approaching that point of fatigue where some are saying, "press on", others saying"I could stop now", but all really needing for the journey to end for the day before major crankiness sets in. We press on but then the woods, in its infinite generosity, provides magic. We are given the perfect stopping point with plenty of room for camping, a fire pit, and best of all, a mountain stream that pools perfectly for swimming in water that is bracing but refreshing. After a dip, you are slightly chilled but the surrounding rocks warm you just right. We are home for the night. Everyone knows that this is just right, we are happy and life gets no better when we gaze at the surrounding beauty.

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2nd September 2009

checking in...
Hi guys, I'm enjoying your travels vicariously - I just wish I could get old Stub out of the Ozarks! If by some chance you get down to the Jack's Fork - look us up!!! Have fun - I know you are :-) Love, Cathy
2nd September 2009

We all need more of that
I felt calmer from my crazy day at school just reading your beautiful description! I am definitely living the adventure vicariously through you! Hugs to all of you....
3rd September 2009

Good to hear that yall are doing well. Enjoy the mountains.

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