Reflections: ”That’s not really me…is it?”

Published: July 22nd 2009
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Female Moose (Cow)Female Moose (Cow)Female Moose (Cow)

This was taken on the side of the road on the Alaskan Hwy as I was coming home from a trip to Fairbanks.
In the offset that I failed to mention before, I have moved from a heavy populated city of Atlanta Georgia to a small town in the middle of nowhere population +/- 2,000 people, called Delta Junction. No, it’s not the name of that cute cartoon we all used to watch as kids, that was “conjunction junction”. This is a small town smack dab in the middle between Fairbanks and Anchorage Alaska. As one could imagine there is but little to nothing to do around here but work and watch the moss grow under the Black Spruce (which as I have been told makes a great topping to a roof! Who would have known?) I’ve learned that in these parts most of the work is shift work and seasonal. My uncle, for instance, works a job where he lives off site for a couple of weeks at a time. At the moment his schedule is 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. He works 12-hour shifts 5-6 days a week with an average of 80 hours in a given workweek. Most of the jobs are gained in the spring and last through the summer going into the fall season. Oh yeah, I
Sleeping QuartersSleeping QuartersSleeping Quarters

This is a side view of the camper that I'm sleeping in.
got here at the tale end of July, which is hardly spring in these parts, so you can imagine my struggle to find employment right now! If that wasn’t bad enough, there’s always the horrible condition that the economy is in right now.
There are no fast food places to eat, no malls to browse through, no Walmart or Target to waste time in or even a grocery store or two…literally NOTHING! Ok, I’ve said all that to say this, I’ve had a minute or two to reflect on some things that have taken place in my life. So I thought I would share with you in the event that maybe…just maybe it might help you along the way from making some of the same mistakes I’ve made. If you have already made some of the same mistakes then you can share along with me and I’ll even let you comment on your take on things when I’m done! After all isn’t that the essence of what we’re left on this earth for, to learn and grow as a people?

[I’d like to take a minute right now to say how WONDERFUL “auto-save” is!! I have been writing for
Sleeping QuartersSleeping QuartersSleeping Quarters

Inside view of where I can eat or read or play on the computer.
a few minutes and haven’t saved anything but the title…and yes my battery decided to die on my laptop! Thanks to this little invention all is not lost!! I’m plugged in now and ready to go!]

Can I get a do over?
One of the things I have learned so far out of life is that you don’t get to take back events that have happened! I wish there was a way I could cause I JUST KNOW that I would do them differently! Or at least I would hope that I would? For instance, the moment I realized that I did not want to be married anymore to the woman who at that time was my wife (no names are listed to protect the innocent). I had this grandiose dream of being by myself, that somehow my world and my life would be different and better. Oh it has been different and not so sure about the better either! The biggest mistake I made in the series of events that were to follow my leaving her and starting my new life alone was just that, I was not alone! I should have set out on this new life
Sleeping QuartersSleeping QuartersSleeping Quarters

A place to cook and clean up
of mine without any interference from anyone else and I didn’t. I chose to find someone that could occupy the emptiness that I was so in a hurry to create! I was so insecure back then and I didn’t even know it! I felt that I needed someone in my life to make me happy. The sad thing is that it took several relationships and many years after that to realize it! Guys, if you are contemplating leaving a relationship then do it, by all means, but do it for the right reasons and be smart about it! Don’t leave the one you’re with only to replace her with someone else right away! The brain and the heart need time to recover and reflect on events that led up to the break up! And women, know who you are getting involved with before you go jumping into something with him! If you are contemplating getting into a relationship with someone that just broke up or is contemplating divorce do it slowly!! Be smart about it! Protect yourself and have some respect for yourself and the other person involved. Yes I realize this advice goes both ways! One thing is certain
Sleeping QuartersSleeping QuartersSleeping Quarters

This is a view of the area I use for rest.
in this kind of relationship. There is guaranteed hurt in the near future if you don’t evaluate the situation and go about it in its rightful timing! I’ve actually heard some people say that they will NOT get involved with someone if their divorce has been a year or less or if they just broke up with their girlfriend.

The best thing I could have ever done was act on some advice that a good friend gave me one time! I took some time off from the whole dating scene to get some perspective on me! I desperately needed to gain some respect for myself and come to the realization that I didn’t need anyone in my life to make me happy! At the end of the day when I look in the mirror, if I don’t like who I’m looking at, if I am not happy with myself, then nobody else is going to be happy with me either! And that’s the big secret to it all! Learn how to be happy with yourself! Be alone! It’s ok you can do it! Get to know yourself a little bit and who knows you may just begin to like yourself? Get to know your creator! He knows you better than you know yourself anyway! You are going through this thing (whatever it may be) for a reason, and there’s no accident you’re here right now! Find out what it is you’re doing wrong (search deep) and change it! Stop wasting time trying to do it all by yourself! No, you don’t need anyone but you can’t do it alone! If you have any spiritual heritage, any experience in church or a small group! If you are a Christian and you have been ignoring what you know deep down inside is wrong then now is the time to make some internal changes. Ask God to show you, reveal the things that are blocking your TRUE happiness! Be assured if you don’t choose to do this voluntarily then God WILL create a way for you to do it! He will bring you to your knees! I’m not saying that I am perfect by any means or that I have all the answers! God forbid that assumption! I’m going through a self-cleansing myself! Why so you think I’m in Alaska of all places??? Anyone who knows ANYTHING about me knows that me and anything resembling cold do not co-exist together! Ever heard of a “Wilderness Experience?” I had too many distractions where I was and I wasn’t disciplined enough to do it within my surroundings, so the answer was for me to totally be ripped away from all the comforts of “home” and be stripped of everything I THOUGHT I knew! Feel like coming on this journey with me? Is what I am saying making any sense to you? Does it strike any nerves? Good! I’ve always been told that the best teacher is someone else’s experience!!! There is so much to learn and so little time! Stop wasting it!

Peace Out!


22nd July 2009

I'm sorry!
Ken, You are so right and I am so sorry for ever coming in between you and Sharon that was wrong of me! I don't really understand why it happened the way it did but you are right about one thing (EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON)We may not know right away what that reason is but we do find out later....I know one thing I really want to be friends with you and have you by my side if you can....I know you are going through alot right now but I would like to help if I can and if you want me too! You have made me open my eyes just in the last few weeks and everything is just hitting home with me. I meant what I said last nite I really enjoy reading what you write and what you have to say maybe just maybe I will figure it out aswell just the way you are doing now! Stay strong god will lead you in the right direction and will never take you down the wrong path! Your Friend Lots of love Tonya
23rd July 2009

Sounds familiar
I commend you for recognizing what is happening, Ken. You are out beyond distractions for a reason. Don't rush this thing. God put you in the middle of nowhere to clear your head. From my own experience I can assure you that you can STILL avoid the personal contact with Him if you're not careful. Spending time alone is quite difficult. Most of us (and certainly you) are geared for interaction and personal feedback from others. This will be tough, but I believe you will find out who you really are when you have no one to interact with (or amuse). We pray for your alone time experience every day. I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks.
27th July 2009

Your blogs are amazing!!!! I just went through my surgery on friday and all is well!! I have enjoyed reading these!! You are really great at writing!!! I am amazed at your journey and wanted to say hello!! Hopefully you will forgive me!!!!can't wait to read the next!!!! keep on keeping on!!! jenny

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