Maddam Tussauds

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May 27th 2009
Published: May 28th 2009
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I really can see him as a kiddy fiddler.
I got to call and chat to everyone today before I left which was awesome! Even though the connection was shit.
I went to Madam Tussaud's today which was cool, a bit over-rated I guess, but you get what you pay for...wax figures in wax museum. Lol.
It was absolutely packed, and I have found I get pissed of quite easily at the ignorant and arrogant public. I'll save my rants for when I get home :P
It was good though, amazing that they do really look real, some more so than others.
It took me around a hour and a half to walk through it. I snapped photos, yet again I didn't get a photo of myself. I'll start, I promise!
When I left the museum I decided I would go back to Regents Park as it was so beautiful and I didn't explore the whole thing.
It was pretty darn cold, but if I didn't leave if it was cold I would not leave the hostel in London.
I wandered around just thinking how much better London parks are compared to Perth, we have an oval with some trees around it. When they say park they mean park, lakes, trees, gardens, wild life, it's awesome!
I spent 2 or 3 hours just plodding along, got some really cool photos.
At 1 point I sat at this fountain. This kid decided he would walk around the edge of it, he got to a point where the water had sprayed on to the bricks he was walking on. He slipped bashed his leg and the stuff he was holding went flying, it was so funny! He didn't look happy, but I did. I know dad would appreciate it to, whole family really. ROFL.
Another thing I saw was heaps of squirrels, there was obviously a male squirrel as he kept chasing and chasing and chasing this other one. They wrestled and rolled around, it was funny, in the end he won so persistence does pay off :P
I got home made some food, and just relaxed figuring out where in this large continent I should travel to!
Love to all, I’ll write again soon.

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28th May 2009

did you get zac efrons number for me? in fact do one better get a ski mask go in and steal it and ship it back to me!!! ill forever have a smile on my face :P
28th May 2009

you would have to mold a rifid candle on to his crotch also, it doesn't come with that :P
28th May 2009

Did you go through that scary bit with all the live actors in Maddam Tussads, I didn't know you had a choice and went through it with Mitchell, it was not fun and a Zombie chased us. I love the park we saw the gate but didn't go in. xoxox
29th May 2009

i think chad could take a lesson from that squirrel rofl
1st June 2009

kids stacking it on wet surfaces is always funny. and how green is it over there, it looks like a happily ever afterworld

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