And suddenly my life was complete

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Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Ronda
February 1st 2006
Published: February 2nd 2006
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I bought a cell phone in Spain! It completes me. I have my US phone here and it made me sad to look at it in its useless state. Anyway, my number is 034-692847122. Woo..that´s a lot of numbers. If you call me, it´s free for me or I can call you and it´s free for you!
I slept for 12 hours last night. I was exhausted! I went to bed at 7 and then suddenly woke up. I saw light still in my window and heard the family in the living room. My clock said 10 and I had no idea if it meant am or pm (I can´t work the damn thing). Class started at 9am and I was afraid I was late. I ran out of my room and asked my ¨mom¨if it was day or night. She looked at me like I was crazy and said I had only slept for 3 hours. Boy, I´m an "imbécil". I went to class this morning...the walk is beautiful. I walk over this old bridge and I´m surrounded by mountains. I took my placement test this morning and I hope for advanced. I find out tomorrow. The majority of the students don´t speak spanish very well so I get to translate. It´s fun. We went on a tour of Ronda after the test and I made some friends. We are all going out tonight for beer and tapas. Talk about living! We speak a lot of English when we are together, but when I´m not with´s all Spanish. It can be difficult to translate but I´m surviving. Europe is very easy going and easy to get around. I hope to get Italy and France before I leave..oh and I will!
Llamame! Hasta luego!


4th February 2006

I misss youuuu
Much like the kid in Oklahoma, I, too, will live vicariously through you. Good ol' Kansas. We're getting ready to watch Vacation. Whooooooooooooooooo!
4th February 2006

See, if you kept a Spanish boy in your bed, you'd always wake up on time! Miss you and check your facebook for my address!
4th February 2006

cell phones!!
i got a new cell phone finally, so feel free to call. i'd call you, but i don't know what would happen to my cell if it would explode from shock or something. anyway, it's 785.312.0128 and feel free to call anytime! i'll definitely wake up in the middle of the night for my mad-i-son! (also living vicariously...-sigh-) love ya, hon! keep on keepin' on. hehe.

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