holy god I´m here

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January 31st 2006
Published: January 31st 2006
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I´ve been up for over 24 hours now, and my god I need some sleep. It has certainly been a wild ride. I spent a 7 hour flight to London with three kids kicking the back of my seat, screaming, and pulling my hair. Good part- I forgot I had requested a "healthy" inflight meal and it was awesome! I also got watch The Brothers Grimm and that Heaven movie with Reese Witherspoon. My flight to London was late in and I seriously thought I was going to miss my flight. My flight was even labeled wrong on the board so I had to ask (as calmly as possible) WTF mate?! Made the flight...and the flight to Spain was so fun. The pilot was a goofball and I got a vegan breakfast of potatoes and scary yogurt. I was feeling very tired and blah but then when I looked out the window and saw the Mediterranean and the snow capped mountains, it was sheer bliss. Getting through the Malaga airport was easy but finding the correct buses took the combined brain power of me, a Swiss gentlemen who knew no Spanish, and a Spanish chick who knew English very well. I managed to make it to the correct bus to Ronda which added another 2 hours of traveling time. I arrived and saw NO ONE there to pick me up. I got scared but then calmed down and called my programs office from a pay phone. They tell me she´s there looking for me and TADA I have a place to go. Since that, it has been a whirlwind. I´ve walked around with her and saw my school (it´s a PALACE!!!). I´m surrounded by mountains...oh my god it´s beautiful. I´m having trouble adjusting because it´s hard to listen when you are nervous and hard to talk when you have nothing to say. I´m here for four months and that is crazy! I miss you guys and will keep you updated!!


31st January 2006

I'm not a friend, but I play one of the internet
Maddie, You don't know me. I can't even remember what I typed in that led me to your newly started blog. But I have to think it was the cosmos or fate, or a glich in google. But there you were and I felt the need to write. It took my breath away that on the very same day you could be in Spain starting a whole new adventure and I can be in Oklahoma City, sitting at my desk, wanting to end this old game. I hope you don't mind that I bookmark your journal. I hope that you update it frequently. I will, until I can bust free of this cube farm, live vicariously through you. I am being 100% sincere...I am so looking forward to the fresh air and new sights and sounds, the smells, the tastes, the newness of it all. I am fully aware that it will be you and not I that will be living this dream. I am not crazy or at least no so much that I have delusions this large. So I will just leave you and say good luck.
1st February 2006

damn kids
Dumb euro-wannabe kids. Hopefully they'll get bird flu. Have fun at classes.
2nd February 2006

hi maddie! that sounds so amazing! i'm ridiculously jealous of you and what you're doing. keep up the updates!

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