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February 22nd 2009
Published: February 22nd 2009
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Oh well, I tried.
Maybe there is a better internet cafe in Cape Coast.
Since I still have 31 minutes left on this computer, I'll ramble on for a while.
British Airways from DC to London.
7 hour trip and they fed us 3 times - Brittish Airways rocks!
My layover in London Heathrow Airport was 4 hours.
There was a starbucks there, and, as I looked out the window, I saw avis, hertz and a Holiday Inn. America rocks!
Took shuttle bus from one terminal to next - terrified watching bus driving on wrong side of road - it will take time to get use to that.
Flight from London was nice - over France and Spain for a few hours - got emotional when I saw the mediterrean sea - and even more so when I first saw the coast of africa.
Then a few hours over the desert before arriving in Accra.
Everyone here looks like our relatives from South Carolina.
I took pictures of 2 funerals - it seems everyone dresses up, big events, everyone attends.
I saw a women's only christian revival in an outside tent. Mostly everyone in this part of Ghana are christians.
Beautiful beaches here. How come we were never told about this?
I will be staying at the Mighty Victory Hotel tonight in Cape Coast. The hotel is owned by African American couple who came to Ghana and stayed.
My next blog will be after I visit the slave castle at Elima - worried about how I will feel after going through the door of no return!
When I tell people here about my quest to see my long lost asante relatives in Kumasi, they cheer me, they hug and sing and truly understand why I came here. They immediately ask me my name - that is - my asante name - they wanted to know or tell me about the asante tradition of giving names - I already knew that I am a male who was born on a Friday - so, my name is Kofi. They are impressed I figured it out already. So, they call me Kofi David.
At the hotel, they just call me Kofi.
That's cool.


22nd February 2009

Go Daddy Go!
Since, we're all living this journey through you, make sure you keep us posted. Sounds like the trip has already been worth it. Can't wait to see the photos. We're all on the edge of our seats waiting to hear of the slave castles. Be safe and have fun! Love, the crew @ Silver Spring.
23rd February 2009

Our peeps
Glad to see all is faring well. unfortunate abt the pics but do keep trying. Go Koffi! dont forget soccer rules and time is of no essence:)
23rd February 2009

OKAY - so you arrived!!
Well, you say your next blog will be AFTER you visit the SLAVE CASTLES... I hope once you entered into them, you won't come out a SLAVE - LOL - If that's the case, you most likely WON"T be able to blog anymore... TEE HEE!!! Anyway, I cannot figure out when you are writing your blogs and when we are receiving them but most likely once you receive this message, you had already visited the CASTLE. Okay KOFI - looking forward to your next blog!!! Love TSAH
23rd February 2009

I feel you...
...David...I can feel your emotion, especially when talking about our ancestors, the Asante people!! Amazing! brings tears to my eyes. Travel on brother! Don't forget to ask them why they didn't come for us.........
24th February 2009

Hey Deekie
Hope all is going well. I just arrived in Kumasi. My cell phone is dead, so, tell everyone to send messages to me here. What's Robyn's private email address? I have been sending this to her work email address. When is she taking the exam? Daddy

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