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February 7th 2009
Published: February 7th 2009
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Mum with Trekking bosses wifeMum with Trekking bosses wifeMum with Trekking bosses wife

She gave me lots of hugs....
Hello everyone from Bali, and Singapore before that. We were hoping to blog from Singapore, but it was all a bit rushed.

The flight was only 2 hours and forty minutes, our shortest yet, in the biggest plane yet a 777.

Our hotel was faaaaaaaaantastic. It had a pool, the restaurant had food from everywhere in the world - I had a bit of everything, Mum and Dad ate until they felt sick. Singapore is like a future world. It has all sorts of technology, and is incredibly clean - we still think Kathmandu was very special though. Oli summed it up by saying I'm sad to leave the Courtyard Hotel, but I'm excited to be going somewhere else, and we all feel a bit like this.

In Bali it is HOT and HUMID. Mum says it is ace to be able to wear flip flops. Yesterday it was 90% humidity.
Yesterday our pool was amazing, the hotel was a villa. In the villa was a fruit bowl with extremely interesting fruit. Mum cut the most interesting thing up, it was red with brown bristles. Mum had to peel it which was a hard task. It tasted really
Dad and Mr. Lama (Trekking Boss)Dad and Mr. Lama (Trekking Boss)Dad and Mr. Lama (Trekking Boss)

We were all given new clothes to wear, Mum and I got saris, Oliver gor a wedding suit and dad was given a new jumper.
bitter, but a bit like an apple. Later on a little lizard, called a teeta here in Bali tried to eat it and made Mum jump!

The pictures are of Kisans house (from our last entry) check out Dad's jumper, it was a gift. Another is from Baktaphur - beautiful carvings on temples. Then from Singapore and Bali.

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


The Palace Guard!The Palace Guard!
The Palace Guard!

These carvings were of mythical beasts that protected the temple in Backaphur
Rickshaw Rickshaw - where you wonna go sir....Rickshaw Rickshaw - where you wonna go sir....
Rickshaw Rickshaw - where you wonna go sir....

We were hassled every day in Kathmandu by the Rickshaw drivers, so one day we had a lift back to the hotel.
Last night at the Courtyard HotelLast night at the Courtyard Hotel
Last night at the Courtyard Hotel

Michelle and Pujan had a party, and cooked for EVERYONE staying at the Hotel. I did a latenight Poi Poi show, and we all ate Dahl Baht.
Our first swin on holidayOur first swin on holiday
Our first swin on holiday

this was the pool at the Crown Plaza in Changi Airport Singapore.
Bali spiders the size of flip flops!Bali spiders the size of flip flops!
Bali spiders the size of flip flops!

A frog in our cupboard, and a snail the size of a tennis ball on the path to our bungalow - Brilliant!!

8th February 2009

The highs and lows of being on the road...
Hello dearest Hannah and hello to the entire family. As you probably sit somewhere wonderfully exotic, Luca and I have been stuck in a transit lounge at the Delhi airport for about 2 hours, with another 7 hours to go... yes, I said 7!!! It's an absolute nightmare! We did however discover that if you pay the security agent 20 dollars he allows you to go upstairs to "enjoy" full access of the Jet Airways VIP lounge... stale crisps, mouldy sanwiches, flat diet coke, slow internet and all. I know it's not ethically correct but it was either pay-up, or sit in a corner for the next 420 minutes or so. We were weak and paid. (Never do so yourself!!!) The money was well worth it as now I can sit here and write to you!!! We were terribly upset that we didn't get the chance to say goodbye in person. We awoke feeling terrible, our stomachs churning from what I believe was too many Indian chicken tikkas with garlic naan... I know, it doesn't sound nice. To make matters worse, we received a phonecall the same night, 12 hours before boarding our flight, letting us know that the Chinese government had blocked our entry into Tibet. It was terrible! We are still extremely sad but we're strong and have already made alternate plans. We're on our way to Myanmar... and then... well, we'll see! Anyway, as I said, we hated not being able to say goodbye and wanted to let you all know just how much we enjoyed meeting you... even if it was for such a short time. You seem like the lovliest of families and are more than welcome always to come and visit us in Mexico whenever you like. Please tell Mum and Dad, and Oliver that we say hi and that they should get in touch sometime, and as for you, thanks for the wonderful show you gave us all the night before you left and please do continue cheering us up with the amazing adventures and photos of your trip. Warm regards and please be safe, Erik and Luca
8th February 2009

Hey guys wow it all looks so amazing am very jealous! The elephant safari looked fab, looking forward to the next update love to u all sarah and simon xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
8th February 2009

Ola from sunny Spain! Nice jumper Ian, we expect to see you wear it when you get home. The courtyard hotel sounds and looks amazing. Enjoy Bali and keep us updated with tales and photos, enjoy the baracuda and shark steaks. We miss you lots and love you all, big kisses from Sarah, Dan and Cerys xxxx
8th February 2009

Luxury in Bali
Hope you are enjoying Bali and having a rest! thinking of you love us from sunny Spain.
13th February 2009

Nice jumper!!!!
Hi you all! Finally persuaded my computer to let me veiw the photos- wow! Ian i think that jumper is just the thing for Bala! It is freezing here but looking at your photos and reading your blogs has really cheered me up, thank you! Charlie says he wishes he was there too to see all those animals! lots of love the Smiths xxxxxx

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