Waiheke Island

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December 5th 2008
Published: December 5th 2008
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Hello!!!! I made it to NZ safe and sound and Mark has been showing me around Waiheke Island today...it was raining when I got here but then turned beautiful and sunny this afternoon. Oh and Mark was late picking me up! Geeeze! Well our flight was an hour early and I was through customs and got my bags really quickly....and THEN Mark was late! lol He figured it would take some time to get my bags etc and the flight was suppose to land at 6am...he was there about 10 after 😉 The plane ride was actually ok.....I felt a bit sick mid-way through while i was trying to sleep so I put on Momma Mia and fell asleep to that....it was just such a happy movie it took my mind off the flight!!!! I miss everyone back at home! We just randomly picked up a wireless signal here at Mark's parents summer home on the island so lucky me I get to write to all of you! Everything is so beautiful here....we took a drive all around the island....oh and stopped to pick up fish and chips and took them down to a beach to eat! Yum! We fed the crazy seagulls and lots of cute duckies too!!!! I love it so far. OH and I of course almost got into the wrong side of the car when Mark picked me up!!!! That will take a while to get used to but I'm already being observant cause I want to give it a try soon!
Anyway, just going to watch a movie and relax and go to bed early miss you!!! Ry I hope you got set up ok! My page is showing you accepted the invite ok!!! Send some comments to let me know you are all getting this ok...I'm hoping it sends out an automatic email whenever I make a new entry?
K bye for real now! xoxo talk soon


5th December 2008

You Made It!!
Congrats and isn't NZ beautiful? Mark wasn't late, you were early. Automatic Email notice works. Have fun. Say Hi to Mark. Bigg John
5th December 2008

Hi sis
Hi! I am glad you are there safe and sound. I used my hotmail instead and can now view your Blog. It does send out an email every time you do an entry (or has so far). Glad you are having a great time. You should tell us about the weather (to make us really jealous). Say hi to Mark. Miss you XOXO.

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