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Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town
December 20th 2005
Published: December 20th 2005
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In the distance - a big long bridge!
Hello everyone. We now find ourselves in Penang, a small island off the Malaysian coast. Our last few days in Ko Lanta were marvellous except for the last night when we were told of spectacular views from the top of a hill behind the resort. Great views - millions of mosquitoes! I think we are still scratching a week later!.

It must be said that the journey to Penang was not the best. What was described as a 5 hour journey took almost 12 - with three changes of bus. We did however cross the biggest bridge in Asia to get here. Nevermind we got here and after a short taxi ride found ourselves at the Sea Wind Breeze Motel. Cheap and functional. The outside bar which sits just on the beach is a magnet for the young and wealthy of Georgetown and the bar (complete with loud music) is open until 2 am. The only way to get to sleep is to join the party and to partake of enough sleeping draught. It's hell.

The beach is small and not the cleanest, however there are other beaches within easy distance which are bigger and cleaner,

We went

Our Motel
in to the main shopping town (Georgetown) on Saturday. Big mistake. It was packed with Christmas shoppers. Friday, Saturday and particularly Sunday the rain has been virtually non-stop, which has stopped us doing anything very much for the first time since starting our travels.
Fortunately it is now sunny and very hot (33 degrees) and the forecast is more of the same for the next few weeks.

We have just booked our transport back to Phuket where we will be spending Christmas amd New Year.

Until the next time, bye-bye,

Linda & Ken

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Last night. View from a hill. Got bitten to hell when taking this!

View from the tallest building in Penang. our motel is on the spit of land jutting out near the middle of the photo.

Nearest big beach.

One poser

and another

20th December 2005

My word what big. . . ........... . . . . . boulders!!!!!!
20th December 2005

Merry Xmas
Hi Guys, Hope you have a great time. And are not giving the Beveridge name a reputation!! I don't wont any misconceptions for when we get there!! Take care, Love Stuart and Carly

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