One last train...

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Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome
July 17th 2008
Published: July 17th 2008
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Ok, so weve done quite a bit of traveling since our last blog entry but unfortunately our last few stops have not had the best internet options and neither does our current location. We are currently in our last stop, Rome - and we have been holding out for an internet cafe that would allow us to access our pictures but we have not been able to find any ... so with today being our last day before flying back home tomorrow we figured we would add one last 'no picture' entry and catch everyone up a bit.

Since the last entry we wrapped things up in Munich ... Germany turned out to have some of the best food at the best prices. Munich definitely had the best beer and for our last dinner there we went to the Augustiner brewery, which is the oldest brewery in town and hung out with some older locals who obviously frequented the place often.

After Munich we made our way to Salzburg, Austria .. a destination definitely chosen by Leslie. This is where they filmed the movie 'The Sound Of Music' ... and day one was spent on the sound of music tour ... where Leslie waited anxiously to run through some flower covered fields and belt out some tunes, unforunately (or fortunately) we were encouraged to keep the singing in the car and the field running never happened.

We then moved on to Venice via our first and only EuroNight train ... the train left at like 130am so we found ourselves hanging out with some colorful folks at the train station from about midnight on and there was actually a salsa club going strong in the terminal .. very random. The night train did not provide much sleep as expected and then in the morning while visiting the the bathroom I got a little gift in the form of a toilet that randomly shoots water straight up in the air ... luckily the first time this happened the toilet had been flushed ... the second time was not as lucky (didnt expect it to happen again) and it took some serious maneuvers to avoid being covered in toilet water. Venice was awesome .. we were only there for two days but running around the endless maze of streets and canals was pretty cool. The place doesnt stink as a lot of people say and there were some good sites and LOTS of gondolas. Well get some pictures out which will do a better job of showing what we did there.

We have been in Rome now for almost 4 days and tomorrow morning is our flight home and we have to catch one more train to the airport .. we also just found out our flight from Rome to Atlanta is 11 hours ... the flight from Newark to London was only 5 or 6. Leslie says that Rome runs a close second to Paris, but the food is definitely tops here. Last night we had our best dinner yet. Weve checked out the typical touristy spots .. St Peters, Vatican, etc.. On the walk down from St Peters tower, which is a very tight winding stair case with back to back crowds making their way down .. Leslie almost took a serious dive and nearly brought down about 3 families .. but she recovered graciously as I tried to pretend I didnt know her.

Thanks for all the comments and keeping track along the way. Looking forward to seeing everyone when we get back (not looking forward to getting back to reality however). Well throw out one more entry when we get back with a handful of pictures.

John and Leslie


17th July 2008

good to have you guys back John...lots have happen including ryian getting engaged..i think she was trying to upstage you guys...mark isnt happy about the engagement
17th July 2008

Ok Leslie... You better call me ASAP when you get home. I know you have a lot of phone calls to make, but I'm dying to hear everything and to hear wedding plans! Love ya!! Be safe coming home!

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