Mykonos Finale

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Europe » Greece
June 27th 2008
Published: June 27th 2008
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We are sad to report that today is our final day in Mykonos and we will be heading on the cruise ship in a few hours. We spent the day lounging, tanning, shopping and eating! This place has been incredible and seems to have it all. So much to see and not enough time here. Tiffany and I both decided that this would be the ideal place for a honeymoon!!!! When we were walking by the ocean, the Pelican (the town mascot which we mentioned earlier) came walking right beside us and proceeded to walk over to the water fountain and kept trying to turn it on. We would have turned it on for him, but we were a little nervous he might put that big beak on us. Ha, although we shouldn't be, since we have had every innoculation possible! Anyways, finally a Greek man turned it on for him and he sat there with his mouth underneath the tap drinking the water. It was incredible!!!!! Tiffany got a video of it and we will put in on facebook when we get back to London. We are both preparing ourselves for the cruise ship by taking gravel and praying we won't get sea sick! It should be pretty fun and we heard that there is even going to be a Toga party one night! We will keep you posted and let you know how it goes and how Turkey is!!!

Lessons of the day....

You can have your chair right beside the other person and be at a different restaurant in Mykonos!
Doctors should watch out for cab drivers fists!!!!!
SPF 30 doesn't keep light skin from burning in Greece!
Sunnies is another word for sun glasses!!
Guys just shouldn't wear speedos!!
In Greece, with a big group of people, you can con restaurants into giving you freeeeee bottles of wine!
You can stay out clubbing until 8 am in Greeece.....don't worry that wasn't us!
Calgary boys are said the wayyyyyy to drunk girl on our trip!! After falling on her face and scraping up her entire body at the club at 7 am this morning and having to get escorted back to her hotel room. (NOT US might I add!!!!)
Orbit comes in boxes
Each family builds there own church here in Mykonos

Love you guys!!! Tiff and Lise


28th June 2008

should old people like me be reading this
sounds like you are having way too much fun. but i guess that's what being young is all about. can't wait to see pictures. love pat

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