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Europe » Greece
June 25th 2008
Published: June 25th 2008
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OMG this place is amazing!! Honestly, I would have to say that it is the most beautiful place Tiffany or I have ever been. We will add pics when we get back to London. The beaches are incredible! The houses are all white, with blue roofs. Our hotel is nestled in the hills, with a pool and a walk out balcony overlooking the ocean. The beach is right across the street! We are with the same thirty people throughout our trip and then meet up with other groups along the way. We have made such good friends already and I swear in two days have even started to pick up some of their sayings! Everything is just amazing! They have three pelicans that stay here all year round and wander the streets! You can feed them and take pictures with them. One tried to nip at our friend Bec, but I think he might have been trying to flip up her skirt...haha! We have spent the morning riding around on quads that we rented. We are figuring out the driving signs here and are doing pretty well, except I accidently blew a major stop sign...ooops! Later, we are going to a beach called Paradise and staying there for the day. Funny lessons of the past few days....

The boys learned if she is over 6"5 and looks like a man, she prob is!!
I found out the hard way, you can get reallly really really sea sick, even if it's on a ferry.
You can't put toilet paper in the toilets anywhere in Greece!
There are no shower curtains
In Australia, saying your loose only means your drunk! Also, I reckon isn't just for hilllbillies....
Don't do your makeup if your drunk
There is only one room key per room, so if your on a trip with your brother (Our new friends Bec and Marc) don't trust he's going to let you in in the middle of the night!
Sometimes boys are more high maintenance than girls......The australian guy we hang out with helped straighten my hair before going out, with his straightner!!!!!!!
Air conditioners leak like rainfalls

Will write soon,
Love Tiff and Lise


25th June 2008

Hi girls! It sounds like you're having a blast! I miss you lots...and keep on writing, I'm loving reading these at work. Take care! hugs'n'kisses
26th June 2008

Sounds like so much fun!!! I love reading your blog its so funny!! I cant wait to see some pictures, love ya both.

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