Life as a girl...

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November 18th 2005
Published: November 18th 2005
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Me versus the GoatMe versus the GoatMe versus the Goat

I tried to eat it! It did taste rather good though. Can't you tell by the look on my face?
The interesting thing about being a girl out here at the CPF is the stares you get as you walk around the camp. Very rarely do I ever see any women out here.

When I first arrived on Tuesday there were 6 (SIX!) women here at the camp. Turns out 3 of them are my co-workers from the Calgary office, one of them was a visitor from the capital city of Sana'a, and one was me. That left ONE woman who worked here regularly. Two of them left on Thursday to go back to Calgary, so that leaves me and Wendy, and the last lady, who I think had plastic surgery or botox. Can't tell. She doesn't have very many expressions. I can't tell if she's mad or not. Kind of like Nicole Kidman.

Add the fact that I am 5 feet tall, and I completely stick out around here.

I went to the Schlumberger camp yesterday, visiting the guys who do all the logging, perforating and such on our wells and I saw 3 (THREE) girls at the camp. One of them was Korean and my size, one of them Indian, and another brunette. The brunette didn't do much, but I learned later that she was a supervisor and probably doing a good job. We acknowledged each other subtely like we were all members of a secret club.

Today, we went to the CPF plant and refinery. It was really interesting seeing all of the different methods they use to take water out of oil. Man, a lot of work goes on in order to make a few bucks. I sometimes question environmental controls here. 2 flare stacks, which burn off excess gas have been lit since I have gotten here, and probably many more years before, but government regulations here aren't like they are in alberta...

Later on, I presented a brief overview of my field to about 30 men, all of them older than me, and 95% of them of Yemeni descent. I kind of wondered what they all thought of little me talking about stuff, but I they probably weren't listening. They were laughing when one of them told me to stand up for my presentation... and I already was... maybe I am becoming one of the guys.

Anyways, more to come.


18th November 2005

Harsh! About the botox lady that is, but Go Charishe Go! Yes, represent women of the world! And if all the men keep viewing you with hilarity, let them - it's not like you're lacking in the "woman" department or anything, zow. Mwahaha.
18th November 2005

Hey there Char, I like that look on your face! you should always wear that one, it looks both happy and surpised at the same time. But is it really the goat? I mean come on...your not even looking at the goat...unless they shaved the goat down, cut off his horns and taught him to eat at the dinner table. well that's all I got...can you bring back some of those cool 7-up cans?!
19th November 2005

take care!
wow! sounds and looks really fun out there. Just take care and stay safe at all times.
20th November 2005

Noise... its all noise
Environmental Controls? i've never heard of such bologne.

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