Do buy! Part 1

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Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai
November 15th 2005
Published: November 15th 2005
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Hi Everybody,
Well, after 18 hours of flying and sitting around, I finally am in Dubai, and ready to take off in about 2 hours to Yemen.

The flight to London was super fantastic, as I now know what people talk about when they say flying 1st class is awesome all the way. I was welcomed with champagne and orange juice on the plane, and a hot towel before the plane even took off. The small hand carry luggage that I took turned out actually to be too heavy for me to lift or put in the overhead compartment. But the nice thing about 1st class is that the stewardess took my luggage and my coat before taking off - no plane smell on my jacket! Sweet!

All I did for 8 hours was drink wine, water, eat, eat more, eat again, drink more wine, and watch whatever movie was on my personal video console. It was crazy. Whoever said Air Canada was losing their touch clearly never flew 1st class. My grilled (HOT) salmon on a bed of wild rice with carots and broccoli on real plates was as good as any restaurant out there.

London Heathrow... Burberry, Chanel, DKNY, Hermes... EXPENSIVE... That place is overpriced for a reason...

Emirates Airlines was business class as well, however, not as nice as Air Canada. After the debauchery that was eating for 4 straight hours on a plane, I decided not to over stuff myself this time. Also, I didn't like the food as much. Too bad.

Landing in the Dubai airport is pretty much like... landing in the Philippines, but with less Arabs. Who would have thought? That whole cliche about Filipinos working in the service industry for sure rings true here. Every waiter, receptionist, bellboy here at the airport was filipino. Yes, their accents are the same here as they are in Canada. Yes, they also gossip about everyone in Tagalog the same as they do in Canada ;o)

I threw my "Salamat" in everytime someone Filipino helped me out.. they thought that was cute, until they realized that it was all I could say...

Gold... No lie, the Dubai Airport is probably the most beautiful airport I have seen, and gold is EVERYWHERE, and cheap. I will look like Mr. T when I come back... I pity the fool who doesn't buy gold in Dubai.

More to come, I ate breakfast here cause they don't recommend us eating on the Yemenia flight to Yemen. If that isn't sketchy, I don't know what is...

On to Yemen!!!


15th November 2005

No plane smell?
...So how are we supposed to know you were on a plane then? Yemen? Surprise!
15th November 2005

I hope you bought crunk teeth with all the gold there. Maybe get your iPod gold plated too. You should also perform a sway balance with your Salamats. Filipinos love sway balances.
15th November 2005

See, *that's* how a blog should sound. Er, or look. Whatever. In any case, it seems like the trip's gotten off to a good start and your blog is fun to read. So have a great trip... hope you don't have to pee on the field. :)
15th November 2005

Go Charishe Go
Good day little babe, I miss you already. I wrote a big email to the group (a "Who's With Me?!" speech-like thing) sunday night and have had heartfelt responses from most already. But anyways, good luck over there and have a harshload of fun, k?
15th November 2005

Wow, that Yemenia flight does sound shady!! Remember, I want a pet camel. See what you can do for me when you get to Yemen!!

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