The "I miss my family and friends" Christmas special

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December 23rd 2004
Published: December 23rd 2004
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My family at the airport 8months agoMy family at the airport 8months agoMy family at the airport 8months ago

From left: Ashwin,Royce,Carey,Sean,Jayden,Nicola,Kristy,me,Mum,Nana and Dad. Gavin and the twins couldn't make it that day but it was still a great send off.
Well I made it back to Argentina with no problems apart from a slight overstay in Colombia that I had to deal with in the Bogota Airport at 4am... but it's great to be back! The weather is perfect and the Pilattis pool is nice and clean so between visiting old friends dotted around the place I've been spending plenty of time in and around the pool with the Pillatis which is bliss. Plenty of drinking Mate(tea) and quilmes(beer) and it's also good to be eating some really decent food again(meat, meat and more meat).
It feels a bit weird doing the Christmas preperations without my family and friends that have always been around at this time of the year, so I thought I'd put together a few photos to show you some of the things and people that I love and miss from back home. Sorry for those of you who don't feature in any of the photos but I don't really have much stuff from back home with me so it's the best I could come up with...
Finally I want to say a big fat as MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! to all of you and hope you eat
Rangi FlatRangi FlatRangi Flat

many good times had in this Kitchen, and other kitchens around Lynfield and Mt Eden
plenty of great food and have beachloads of fun over the New Year period... Also thankyou all so much for keeping intouch as well as you have over the past 8months because it's always really great to hear from you and reminds me about the hundreds of little things that I love about life in safe little old New Zealand. Have piece of Chrissy cake and a hit in the back-yard-cricket for me and I'll be intouch again soon. Big love - russ.

P.s. Huge shout out to my whanau who will be down in Tauranga for Christmas without big brother russ this year, sorry I'm not around but please know that I am thinking of you all the time and would love to be with you but can't. talk soon 😊

Also, I've just checked and the photo's are all in a way differant order to how I uploaded them so please don't get offended about my apparent preferances 😊

Additional photos below
Photos: 35, Displayed: 23


My other brother Gavin outside his flat down in ChristchurchMy other brother Gavin outside his flat down in Christchurch
My other brother Gavin outside his flat down in Christchurch

Stoaked you've finished up your first year with good grades and experienes Gav, keep it up next year - love big brov
Room 8 - Glenbrook SchoolRoom 8 - Glenbrook School
Room 8 - Glenbrook School

Hope you've been enjoying my stories and adventures through the year guys, have fun in the holidays and see you back at school next year.
Sun bathing and beach cricket with the crew over New YearsSun bathing and beach cricket with the crew over New Years
Sun bathing and beach cricket with the crew over New Years

something I'm really going to miss this year, have a great time out at Wades bache for those of you who are going to be there, I'll be thinking of you heaps
Wayne Jones - Model electricianWayne Jones - Model electrician
Wayne Jones - Model electrician

Wayne's my representitive for all the top blokes I worked with back at Tip Top Ice cream for the last four years. I miss busting my ass for you every day, and using up the majority of the engineering budget up in the smoko room breathing in Peter's secondhand smoke, eating Angelas fantastic muffins and sharing heavily exagerated stories for hours on end. I hope everyone's keeping there crap off my workbench too, have a great New Years guys!!!
Me and Dan KeysMe and Dan Keys
Me and Dan Keys

You're the man bro!!! I so can't wait to see you up in LA man it's going to be great. que te disfrutes todas las fiestas con la familia y amigos y nos vemos en el año nuevo!!! iremos como locos!!
Dany, his mullet, and his matesDany, his mullet, and his mates
Dany, his mullet, and his mates

Love you to bits man, I miss having you around at the flat and I hope your big year at uni finished up well. don't work too hard over the summer, love unx
South Island road trip - Mar 04South Island road trip - Mar 04
South Island road trip - Mar 04

So glad we did that mish guys, will always be a good memory for me. also big ups to you Clint, so cool how everything's worked out for you down in Q-town and I've been loving your emails. And Tim I'm wrapped that you and Sam are out and about and enjoying your trip, hope you enjoy Christmas up there in Scotland. Merry Tritzmitz!

Big Tims Mivec is a fine example of all the boys cars that I miss getting driven around in. throw in an extra lap of Mission bay for me next time you're down there, and send me some more recent photos of your cars when you get a chance - cheers
Mattew SimpsonMattew Simpson
Mattew Simpson

The only photo I've got of anyone from the Simpson family, thanks so much for keeping intouch and telling me all about cell-group and everything. it truely is great getting your mail and hearing how the year has been for you all. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and New Years in Turangi or wherever and I'll talk to you again in the new year... love you all heaps, russ
Mikey and Rach's Warriors grandstandMikey and Rach's Warriors grandstand
Mikey and Rach's Warriors grandstand

Real shame how they bummed out this year guys, but at least you had a sweet place to watch the games :) hope everything's still cool at the flat.
I thought this photo definately deserved some publicityI thought this photo definately deserved some publicity
I thought this photo definately deserved some publicity

Stoaked for ya Dave how you've finished up at the Police acadamy and got engaged to Debs and all that, hope it's still working out well for you in Down Town and that the drunks aren't giving you too much trouble(although I don't think anybody would mess with someone that's got a hairline like Hulk Hogan :)
Tim, Cara, and my other brother Mark.Tim, Cara, and my other brother Mark.
Tim, Cara, and my other brother Mark.

thanks so much for your letters Cara - I'm not that good at writing back but please do continue writing, they always make me smile :) and Mark, you're blimmin lucky that this is a family show and I didn't publish that completely unneccisary nude self portait of you looking after my trophy. missing you heaps though man, can't wait to see you again and win the trophy back into the hands of a more respectable owner. Have a great Christmas down in Rags and please say gday to all the Family from me. love russ
Captain Brent BeardCaptain Brent Beard
Captain Brent Beard

My travel heroe. He's currently floating around the Bahamas in a yaght he's been saving up for this year up in England, hope the wethear is better these days man and that everything's working out well. if you're still floating around in June I might get to see you down there. have a great New Years wherever you're going to be, russ
Mike Whitticker(front left) and his girlfriend ZarnaMike Whitticker(front left) and his girlfriend Zarna
Mike Whitticker(front left) and his girlfriend Zarna

My best friend in highschool and one of the most talented meat-axes I know. gutted I didn't have your email address earlier bro but it's all good, Merry Christmas and sorry to Zarna if I spelt her name wrong :)
Big Tim, the guy I'd want to marry if I was born a girl.Big Tim, the guy I'd want to marry if I was born a girl.
Big Tim, the guy I'd want to marry if I was born a girl.

Love you to bits bro, have a mean summer!

23rd December 2004

nice entry
Nice entry Russ... thanks for sharing your family, your travels and your experiences with us. You have been keeping me entertained for the past 8 months with your travels, and all I can say is that I'm jealous! Hope you have a VERY Merry Christmas, and that Santa is able to find you down there! :-D
25th December 2004

Missing you too bro
Hi Russ, cool bunch of photos and sentiments. Love received. Dad - Russ's dad
14th December 2005

nice photos cool friends they luck fun im living in cancun

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