catching up...

Published: March 14th 2008
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Me y los Muchachos!Me y los Muchachos!Me y los Muchachos!

Pedro and Marvin and yo
It's finally Semana Santa ("Holy Week" = SPRING BREAK!!!), and as any good teacher I am more excited about it than the kids!! 😊

It has been a rough past few weeks in my classroom. Not exactly sure if it's lack of sleep on my part, change in the weather, the kids pushing the limits, or me being the worst teacher ever! Lots of waking up with high hopes and confidences, and going to bed frustrated and exhausted.

It's all to teach me something though, and I capture the jewels when I can (a struggling student passing a test, one student making a card on the computer that says, "Miss Nesbitt thank you for be my teacher.", a rather defiant child saying, "Okay Miss Nesbitt. I want to obey you.", the girls bringing me flowers to put in my hair...

Tambien, me estoy dando cuenta (I'm also realizing) that perhaps my life plate is a bit too full. There's a lot of GOOD I'm doing, but it's not necessarily the best, or even things God has asked me to do. After Christmas I came back ready to be a bonfire for God and completely spend myself in Honduras
Feliz Cumpleaños Sarai!Feliz Cumpleaños Sarai!Feliz Cumpleaños Sarai!

Sara and i celebrating!
during my last several months. I had thought that if I was doing all these things "for God" then of course I'd have the energy and strength and everything would just go super well!! But I've been reading the Psalms and so much of my relationship with God is just living in His Joy and Peace and not worrying about DOING so much. He told me He didn't create me to be superwoman, He didn't need me to be doing, doing, doing. In fact, all that I've been doing has actually weakened my joy, peace, love of life...

So I'm ready for a week of REFRESHMENT, REST, RECHARGING...and coming back with a fresh perspective and attitude. Oh how I need that! on a more positive "whoo-hoo for Honduras I love it here!" note...

In February we had a reggaeton concert at church! In this ultra-conservative environment, most people thought our pastor had lost it when they found out! But it was a great weekend! Two 19-year old guys from Tegucigalpa (the capital) came over for a few days to have Christian reggaeton concert. It was great hanging out with some boyz from the Ci-TY and my host family absolutely fell in love with them! We had a good turn out for the concert Saturday night...not so many on Sunday...but having them here was like a breath of fresh air. They're full of passion, commitment and purpose! It's exciting to see young men like that. OUR FUTURE DOES HAVE HOPE!!!

Also, we celebrated Sarai's birthday Feburary 28th. She's my little host sister and such a sweet girl. She's quiet, shy...reminds me a lot of me when I was younger. For something special I took her out...just the two of one of my favorite spots in town. We had hot chocolates and flan de coco (coconut) and strawberry cheese cake. DELICIOUS! And super special.

This past week we celebrated the birthday of one of my students in class! His mom brought tres leches (3 milk) cake with strawberries on top. AMAZING!!!

OK...I'm getting ready to head off to El Salvador tomorrow. I'm traveling with another teacher for the week. I'm looking forward to seeing a new place...but hoping I get lots of time to SLEEP too!

Vamos a ver (we'll see).

Tons of love! Thanks for listening. I feel better about life now! Lots of smiles and sunshine (It is HOT and DRY! our water is turned off every other day now! Today is the off day, so I'll wash from a bucket tonight...or wait til I can shower in the morning).


PS Oh! I forgot! A few weekends ago a bunch of us teachers to a trip to San Pedro Sula...the closest big city, about 3 hours away. We spent the afternoon at the mall (enjoying the food court, book stores, a target-like department store), and then went to a fútbol game at night. Loved it!! Planning on making more soccer game trips during my last few months!


15th March 2008

hola abril, bueno, primero, NO ERES UNA MALA MAESTRA!! jesus. jejej....estoy segura q eres una buenisima maestra y q te aprecian los estudiantes muchisimo! lo seinto q tengas malos dias (y con tanto calor y secos. ay, me acuerdo cuando estaba en tegus y los cabrones patronatos no nos habian dado el agua por como 3 semanas! q mala onda!). pero si, se siente bien quejarse y quitalo de tu sistema. :) puedes quejarte a mi si quieres cualquiera tiempo, estoy aqui para escuchar! solo necesitas escribirme. :) ay, te vas a el salvador, tengo celos. :P y me alegro q puedas disfrutar la ciudad de sps, pero ay, ese viaje de copan a sps es como el infierno! tantas curvas y blechh. me siento como vomitar solo pensar en esa jalon (ride). jejej.... bueno, tengo examenes finales esta proxima semana, asi q no puedo relajarme hasta una semana, pero disfrutate la tuya! te extrano, cuidate! :) besitos, nicole

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