
Brazil's flag
South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro
February 18th 2008
Published: February 18th 2008
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What now
I am now in Rio, went to the jesus christ statue(Which is one of the 7 wonders of the world), and to a football match.
Other than that just did some relaxing an partying on the last few days.
Tomorrow I am going to an island with... guess what... yes!!! more beaches!!!

Sad story(not mine)
Last night in Brazil, Great boat party, Beuatiful Brazilian girl and shes in to you.
This is your first real chance in Brazil and with a Brazilian girl.
You both stay in dormitories and can´t find a place for some....
She offers to go to an hostel room, all is perfect but...
you paid for everything and you have no money left!!!
Its around 12 and you ask for money from your friends(You came with 2 other friends from Ausi) and they have none, you try to get an ATM but they don´t work at night.
U have to say goodbye
Another Brazilian girl come talking to you!!! she is a bit drunk and she thinks your beuatiful, you try to talk to her but she can´t speak a word of english(Except for "Beuautifull") and you can´t speak a word of Potugesse, or even Spanish for that matter. She tries and you try but you both give up, she find herself with an Argentinian guy from the hostel.

Usually I say that every bad experience is a good story.
I can tell you this guy didn´t agree with me(P.S. I would have loaned him the money but I
wasn´t there at the moment and when I got there it was too late)

P.S. not to blow our own horn, but to Israelis it would never have happend, we are way more creative.

A sad dream
You are in a big stadium, you need 40 reais but you don't have it and there is nobody there to ask from.
You run around, looking for the somebody until you see someone from a distance.
You run towards her and finally you ask:"Do you have 40 reais to lend me?"
She said:"No abla Ingles"(I don't speak english)

גסות וטיפשות
אחד הדברים הפחות חביבים עלי ונפוצים בקרב טיילים ישראלים זה העברית.
פעמים רבות, גם כשנמצאים עם דוברי אנגלית, אנשים מתחילים לדבר עברית, לרוב זה סתם מתוך נוחות, אבל לעתים זה פשוט בגלל רצון לרכל על החברה מסביב.
לרכל על אנשים לידך בשפה שהם לא מבינים זה גסות רוח, אבל להשתמש במילה כמו TOPLESS כשעושים את זה זו פשוט טפשות.

Watch out
I go alone to get some flags and some makeup for the football team I have chosen to support.
I am looking for my friends back in the stadium.
I find my self in the wrong gate, surronded with the other team fans.
the quickest U turn I ever did.

P.S. we lost, again(Also when I went to a game in Argentina)!!! Though where I sat, with the Ultras, nobody stopped chearing even for a second.

Quotes of the day
1. "In the fight between man and shopping, shopping will always win"
After coming to a beutifull beach with 9 girls, and loosing 7 to a crazy shopping sprey 5 minutes after arriving, we reached the ultimate true.
2. Ausi mate: "One day it will happen, I will be with an Israeli girl"
Me: "When you do, call me, we´ll compare notes"
Girls of Israel, be proud, your the the fantasy of at least one Ausi guy I know.
By the way, he looks very good and also funny and smart, you can ask me for details.
3. "I would speak to her in the international language of love but you do need some small talk before"
Ausi guy, gave up on the second Brazilian girl.
4. "You have such nice staff"
"Do you really mean that? you don´t know how important it is to me"
You can tell a girl that shes nice/smart/funny and she will be glad
You can tell her she looks good and it will be even better
But if you complement her clothing/shoes, you touched her like nobody else could.
5. Lihi: "You always fall in love with Austarlians(Guys)"
Me: "You moved to Argentinians, and somebody have to fill the void"
Met some cool Ausi friends lately, and I morned their return home.


21st February 2008

Dude, your blog is CRACKING me up and everyone at work is staring at me and saying that I am unprofessional. LOL!
26th February 2008

I will try to write it more serious and less funny next time. I don't want you to be fired.

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