Why Can't YOU think of a title?

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February 4th 2008
Published: February 5th 2008
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Bandit Goes to WhitehorseBandit Goes to WhitehorseBandit Goes to Whitehorse

We never make a trip to the Lower 48 without a stopover to visit our favorite Yukoners. They built an amazing cozy cabin in the woods.
Don't hate us cuz we can't come with a creative title. We hope the travelling will inspire us.

So here we go, for the travel journal, part dos.

First we drove...

We left home on the 11th of December with the truck packed and the dog happily riding in the back seat. Spent a night in Anchorage with friends, and then left early in the morning for the day long drive to Whitehorse, Yukon. We stayed two nights with our friends Julie and Jassin in their lovely lil' cabin, and had our (hopefully) annual seafood feast. This year was lobster tail and Alaskan King Crab. Then we got back out on the Alaska Highway in the snow and drove, and drove, and drove.

Three days later we ended up in Salt Lake City, Utah, where we visited Dave's sister Kim for a few days. It was nice to get to see her digs in SLC and spend some time meeting Duncan. The highlight was definitely the afternoon stroll we decided to take, which went from a calm, nice day to a "thundersnow" that found us running back to the car soaked and consoling a freaked out
Julie, KJ & Geo GeorgeJulie, KJ & Geo GeorgeJulie, KJ & Geo George

Geo George (a school project of Mikie's) accompanied us on the road trip south.
dog. In case anyone was wondering, Bandit does NOT enjoy thunder or lightning.

and drove some more...

Next stop was St. George, Utah and the Pace Trailer factory. Dave hitched up his brand new green cargo trailer and we headed for California. After a mere 14 hours (on top of the 4 from Salt Lake to St. George) we pulled into the 'burbs of Sacramento to Kevyn's dad's place.

We recovered briefly and relaxed as Christmas day neared. Thankfully (for Kevyn) Santa arrived early Christmas Eve with a special gift for Mikey - Guitar Hero (a video game complete with little guitar). And then our lives changed....
We played for probably several hours, and if we were not so tired from the drive the day earlier we may not have slept at all. Kevyn of course quickly mastered the game and after a nice Christmas Morning we headed out to Mountain View, CA to Karen's for a Christmas dinner with Dave's family.

Then we worked...

Well, mostly Dave worked. We spent the next month of January doing a large bathroom remodel at Karens' house. KJ snuck away to Rocklin for more Guitar Hero and
The Loo in WhitehorseThe Loo in WhitehorseThe Loo in Whitehorse

A finely contructed outhouse at Julie & Jassin's. They need some more "stuff" inside, though. :) And yeah...it IS cold.
to meet Julie and John's new baby, Olivia, to Seattle to meet the newest baby niece, Sara & Dave's baby, McKenzie, and then to a week of Park Service training at Zion National Park, Utah. Kevyn tried to make up for lost time by lots of tile grouting, but Dave still shouldered the bulk of the work.

Not content to start vacationing yet, we finished the bathroom and hit the road back to Rocklin where, in between rocking gigs with the Playstation, we installed a bamboo floor in Mikie's room.

But now it's finally playtime...

It's time for a vacation. We're all packed and ready to hit the airport for the 20-some-odd hour multi-flight trip to Lima, Peru. We'll do our best to post often, take interesting photos and make witty (or not) commentary. Please keep in touch...we always love hearing from "home".

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


Liard Hot SpringsLiard Hot Springs
Liard Hot Springs

No trip down (or up) the Al-Can is complete without a soak in the hot springs.
New Baby NieceNew Baby Niece
New Baby Niece

"Auntie K" got to meet her newest niece, McKenzie in January in Seattle.
Bathroom RemodelBathroom Remodel
Bathroom Remodel

Here is it...almost done
Where Dave spent JanuaryWhere Dave spent January
Where Dave spent January

Lots o' tile...lots o'grout
Zion National ParkZion National Park
Zion National Park

Official NPS duty sent me here for a week
Who's YOUR Guitar Hero?Who's YOUR Guitar Hero?
Who's YOUR Guitar Hero?

K spent a LOT of time working on her fiery fretwork. She's totally addicted.
Bamboo FloorBamboo Floor
Bamboo Floor

While K played Guitar Hero, Dave put in this beautiful bamboo floor in Mikie's room.
Baby OliviaBaby Olivia
Baby Olivia

January was Meet the Babies Month. This one belongs to our friends Julie and John. Another cutie...
Parting ShotParting Shot
Parting Shot

A group photo with Marge & Ray in Santa Cruz before we left.

5th February 2008

buena suerte
Good luck amigos! I eagerly await the blog entries and will be checking from cubicle world each day. Have fun! Beware of the ghetto taxis down there, especially in Peru and Bolivia. I would recommend taking the more "official" looking ones with writing or numbers on the side. My trick was to hail ones with elderly drivers because I thought that I would be more likely to kick their ass if they tried to mess with me...and no one ever did ;-) Les vaya bien!!! Your devoted advisor
6th February 2008

Keep Posting
Well, we have been thinking about you two all day and wondering where you are. I know it was a long flight and hopefully a healthier start than last year! We love you and will be watching for more posts.
6th February 2008

Arrived in Lima
Thanks for the comments, guys. We arrived in Lima and all is well. Heading out of here tomorrow. Who likes a big, dirty city. We´ll keep posting. Love, K&D

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