Ko Pha Ngan - Party Time

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May 25th 2007
Published: December 24th 2007
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If you ever mention that you have been to the Thai South Islands, anyone thats ever been will tell you stories of drunken nights in Ko Pha Ngan dancing to hard dance/trance music, sipping on buckets of Samson Whisky and covered in florescent uv paint partying from dusk till dawn. Yes we are talking about the moon parties!! Koh Pag Ngan is famous for them. Everyweek there is a moon party be it a black moon,half moon or full moon.

We arrived here for the half moon party, (we were coming back for the full moon party later) the main difference between the other parties is the half moon is held in the middle of the jungle, and not on the beach. Our accommodation for our 3 nights here on the island was Coral Bungalows, which is a short walk from the main party area of Haad Rin. We arrived here as this seemed to be the place to go and it’s amazing how a Thai guy with a strong london accent who greets you off the boat with an "Awrite Mate" can make you feel at home.
We weren’t disappointed probably the best place we have stayed on the trip so far. The pictures of the pool and view speak for themselves! Shane our Thai Cockney Host had actually never been to London, he had just picked up the accent after spending a couple of years with some guys from London.

So we chilled for a couple days by the bar and pool, had a walk around the town before all hell was to break loose, Half moon had arrived.

The pre-warm up was at our Bungalows before the Half Moon started, it was late evening and we had buckets of free drinks while watching a beautiful storm out to sea. The UV Paint was passed around amongst us and we proceed to paint ourselves with silly writing and markings. By 1pm we were on our way both drink wise and physically in a taxi truck to the Jungle. The actual venue in the Jungle was mad, a super high DJ booth, surrounded by various stages and podiums, with lights and UV banners and decorations everywhere, it was almost a kind of amphitheatre. The night was mad and to be honest almost a drunken blur everyone was into the vibe and it truly was an awesome night. Mikey and Kev decided to stay on till the end and stupidly, although at the time it seemed like a good idea walk home along the beach to avoid the Taxi cost, trouble was it took them 3 hours!! This didn’t set them up very well for the next day when we left for Koh Tao, as they were recovering from the mother of all hangovers. Hangovers and travelling, especially on boats do not make a good recipe for feeling good. In fact the next day for Mikey was pretty sick!!

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Mikey the day after half moonMikey the day after half moon
Mikey the day after half moon

He stayed like this most of the day!!

24th December 2007

Tough life
Keep your chin up Paul. That looks like a real chore!! Have a great Christmas and New year. Stu

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